Paper plate Santa craft

Posted in Craft.

When it comes to toddler crafts, paper plates are the craft material that keeps on giving. Who knew you could even make a Santa face out of a paper plate? Cut out all the pieces and let your toddler put Santa together.

What you need

Santa plate craft materials

  • 1 x white paper plate
  • 1 x piece red construction paper (hat and body)
  • 1 x piece pink construction paper (face)
  • 1 x small piece white card (3.5cm x 15cm)
  • 2 x googly craft eyes
  • 1 x red pom pom (nose)
  • 1 x cotton ball (for the tip of his hat)
  • glue stick
  • scissors
  • pencil


Santa craft step 1

  1. Cut the top quarter off the paper plate. From that piece, use the corners to cut two pieces that will form Santa’s moustache.

Santa craft step 2

2. Now you will need a red triangle (for Santa’s hat) and a large red trapezium shape that will sit under his head as his shoulders. You will also need a ¾ circle of pink paper for Santa’s face.

Santa craft step 3

3. Put all the pieces on the table with the glue stick and see if your toddler can assemble Santa. If not, you’ve probably got a talented abstract artist on your hands.


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