Meet tiny, snoozy Princess Adrienne – the latest gorgeous royal baby
Princess Madeleine of Sweden and her husband, US banker Chris O’Neill, have welcomed a third child to their family, a baby sister for 4-year-old Princess Leonore and 2-year-old Prince Nicolas.
Her Royal Teeny Highness
Tiny Adrienne Josephine Alice, Princess of Sweden and Duchess of Blekinge, is a dwindling tenth in line to the Swedish throne.
Adrienne was born on Friday at Danderyd Hospital in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, arriving at 12:41am. Her Royal Teeny Highness weighed in at an excellent 3.4kg and measured 50cm from top to toe.
So what’s in a name, we hear you ask. Well … Josephine is not only one of Princess Madeleine’s own middle names, it’s Chris’ grandmother’s name too. Alice is the name of Madeleine’s maternal grandmother. And we’re not quite sure of the origin of the Adrienne part of this baby’s name, perhaps it’s simply one her parents loved?
Madeleine and Chris married in Stockholm back in 2013 and quickly began producing adorable heirs. The family are now based in London, but flew back to Sweden for Adrienne’s birth. Son Nicolas was also born in Sweden, but the pair’s eldest child made her entry into the world in New York were the couple had originally based themselves.
Too cute NOT to Instagram!
The family have begun sharing delicious newborn baby pics on a brand new official royal Instagram account (who would ever have imagined this would become regular royal protocol around the world?!)
“Leonore and Nicolas welcoming their little sister home,” Princess Madeleine captioned a shot of a dozing and onesie-d Adrienne.
“Adrienne Josephine Alice,” a second post revealed, a little reminiscent of some recent Kardashian baby name announcements.
Chris spoke briefly to reporters outside the hospital, saying the birth went off like a charm (easy for him to say!)
“We came last night and it went very smoothly. The team here at Danderyds are wonderful, they have done such a good job. Best as you can expect, everything went very well. The little one came out just after 12.30 in the morning. She looks very much like when Nicolas was born. She’s got a little more hair, black hair. And she looks very sweet.”
A very Swedish baby party
The family have apparently already celebrated the Swedish baby-welcoming tradition, Te Deum – a special day to give thanks for the newborn. Arrangements were apparently anticipated well ahead of the birth.
“[Invitation] cards, sent on behalf of the baby’s grandfather King Carl XVI Gustaf, were sent out last week detailing the date and time of the thanksgiving service,” Royal Central reports of this baby thanksgiving party. “There will also be a lunch at the Royal Palace after the Te Deum, hosted by the King and Queen Silvia.” (Queen Silvia and King Carl XVI Gustaf are Madeleine’s mum and dad.)
Madeleine and newborn Adrienne were understandably not at this very early baby party, but it’s thought that Chris, Nicolas and Leonore did take the opportunity to celebrate this new little life. And who wouldn’t?! A huge welcome to baby Adrienne!
Happy Valentines Day from Leonore and Nicolas! ❤️
Posted by Princess Madeleine of Sweden on Tuesday, 13 February 2018