Emotional mum watching her baby laugh for the first time is peak adorable
In a sea of often confusing and depressing news — we’re looking at you Brexit, climate change deniers and POTUS — a beautiful mum and baby duo has saved the day in the simplest of ways.
Pure delight
The pair were captured having some very big feelings in a video recently uploaded to Twitter, and the clip is so wholesome it’s gone completely viral.
In the footage the mum is holding her (very sweet) baby, as someone off camera — perhaps a grandmother or an aunty — gives the baby all kinds of positive affirmations.
“You’re the best!” the woman says.
“You’re the sweetest!” she declares.
“You’re amazing!” she concludes.
Between each phrase, the baby giggles the cutest giggle in the history of giggles … and readies herself for even more of the same.
The mum, meanwhile, is holding her baby girl and silently laugh-crying along beside her. The cuteness is way too much for her, it is clear, and tears of delight roll down her cheeks.
She’s trying to keep a lid on her emotion so as not to distract her daughter from those bolstering baby belly laughs.
This Mother hearing her baby laugh for the first time is the best thing I seen in a while. Adorable 😍 pic.twitter.com/hfUOS0t2Mq
— Akki (@akkitwts) November 15, 2019
We don’t deserve this baby!
People on Twitter were delighted too, especially because the platform is often packed with pessimism, snark and trolls.
“Twitter; come for the personal abuse; stay for the adorable laughing baby,” one approving laughing baby fan wrote.
“I love how she has short laughs and knows that the next compliment is on its way,” another Twitter user commented.
“OMG … put that stuff on loop for five minutes and try not to cry laugh,” someone suggested.
“When he was a newborn, my son used to crack up when you tore paper,” an appreciative parent revealed in their approving comment. “No clue why, but it was hours of wholesome entertainment.”
“Baby laughs are so pure. They are the best things,” someone else declared and they’re not wrong.