Prince William gave NZ PM Jacinda Ardern’s baby girl a very special gift

Posted in Toys.

Prince William and Jacinda Ardern and Clarke Gayford’s daughter, Neve, were born on the same day, albeit 36 years apart. 

Happy Birthday Neve and Will!

The future King is not likely to forget to wish the PM’s wee gal a happy birthday. Clarke took to Twitter this week to show off a gift Will sent to Neve, admitting he was not sure whether he should tuck it away for posterity or let Neve sink her teeth into it! 

It’s a dilemma few of us will face, but an understandable one.

“Torn between letting the 1st birthday girl continue to maul this amazing gift or putting it somewhere safe FOREVER,” Clarke posted alongside a photo of a beloved and traditional NZ toy called Buzzy Bee.

This bee was pretty darn special as it came with a specially engraved message from Neve to Will.

“Happy Birthday Prince William,” Clarke continued. “What a great shared birthday (I’m pretty sure you win with this.)”

Returning the favour

Turns out the palace keeps very careful records of all gifts given to the royals, and in this case, the bee had a lovely history.

One observant Twitter user was quick to point out that Prince William was given a toy Buzzy Bee, which is identical to this one when he was a tiny boy on a 1983 royal visit to NZ with Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

“You know heโ€™s returning the favour of the late Lady Beattie, Norma, who passed [in Wellington] last year,” another smart Twitter cookie confirmed. She “famously gave the prince the same gift,” they continued.

“Happy Birthday wee Neve”

Meanwhile, Neve’s mum was making that all important first birthday cake.

“Doing what so many parents have done before me,” Jacinda posted on Instagram. “Waited till baby was in bed before trying to magic up a passable cake for the big first birthday. Wish me luck.”

“Who knew that kids cake recipes had so many swear words in them?” Clarke later quipped in a Twitter update.

“I may be smiling but about an hour earlier I was not enjoying the first birthday cake making experience (like just about every parent I know!)” Jacinda wrote in a further update alongside a photo of her Women’s Weekly Birthday Cake Book effort.

“I recommend cakes that you can legitimately cover in coconut – it hides almost everything. Happy Birthday wee Neve!” she continued alongside the photo of the gorgeous bunny cake she’s whipped up.

Neve is Jacinda and Clarke’s first child. She was born on  21 June, 2018 and in her first year, she’s won hearts and even had a front row seat at the UN with her mum and dad. 

Happy Birthday, Neve!


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