9 ways to throw your child a fabulous birthday party – even during lockdown

Posted in Birthday.

Between trying to stay patient during yet another round of make-believe play, supervising schoolwork, and getting your own work done, the mere idea of throwing a birthday party might seem like all too much right now.

But birthdays happen no matter what is going on in the outside world. And marking those important days, even in a small way, are part of a parent’s job.

Before you get all panicked, celebrating your child’s big day during lockdown can be easier than you might think. We’ve got you covered with iso birthday ideas to make their day one to remember.

What about the guests?

Throwing a party without friends or family in attendance might feel like a bit of a bummer, but just ‘cause you can’t have little people around in person, doesn’t mean you can’t get them involved. You can:

1. Organise for letters or drawings to be dropped in the mailbox

If their friends live locally, get in touch with other parents and ask them to drop off a handmade card or drawing the day before. On the morning of their birthday your child can collect birthday greetings from the mailbox. So exciting!

zoom kids birthday party lockdown

2. Ask friends and family to send video messages

This is super simple and can be done when it’s convenient for other parents and family members. Watch the video messages as an activity on the day, and voila! More birthday love.

3. Have a Zoom birthday gathering

You want to keep it short with the under 5s, but the conferencing call platform, Zoom, is a great way for your child and their friends to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ together. All the kids will get a kick out of ‘seeing’ each other too.

TIP: Send out the party bags early and include a party hat, tooter and a couple of balloons so their friends can get into the birthday spirit when it’s time to sing along.

4. Put that flour to use … bake a cake

Let’s be honest, everyone has been baking bread during lockdown but making a birthday cake can be even more fun. If you’re feeling extra creative you might even want to try your hand at a giant character cake, try out the hit of the summer with a delish watermelon cake, or if you want to opt for an easy peasy cake packet mix, you can jazz it up with a couple of twists.

celebrating your childs birthday during covid

5. Order their favourite takeaway

You can take this up a notch and make this a present – print out the menu and surprise them on the day by letting them choose from the menu. An easy way to have an instant super special birthday feast extravaganza.

6. Cook together

Or go the other way entirely and make dinner together. Kids love cooking with their parents and you can turn food preparation into a birthday activity. You can go the extra mile by giving the party food a theme: opt for a pizza party, or throw a Mexican fiesta with super easy tacos or quesadillas.

7. Turn on the birthday party playlist

Get the birthday party pumping with tunes that will raise their spirits and have you all getting down on the (living room) dance floor. Kinderling Kids Radio has birthday party playlists you can turn on right now, with themes from dinosaurs to mermaids and everything in between.

birthday party decorations during lockdown

8. Don’t hold back on the decorations

With discount department stores and speciality party stores offering online shopping, stock up on streamers, balloons, put up a foil streamer wall, or you can even make your own birthday balloon garland.

9. Bring the outdoors in

You might not be able to gather in the great outdoors, but there’s nothing stopping you and your mini from having your own slumber party in the living room. Check out these 7 indoor glamping ideas you can adjust for COVID times.

With everyone having a renewed appreciation of nature, a Save The Bees themed indoor party may be just the ticket. And it will give you an excuse to plant a few more pot plants as a birthday activity.

Want more ideas? Check out top trends for 2020 and adapt your choice for indoors.

throw an awesome covid kids birthday party

So what are you waiting for? Get that iso birthday party started! There are heaps of ways to make your child’s birthday special – the hardest part will be choosing which fabulous option to take.


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