6 products to help your little one stop sucking their thumb

Posted in Learning and Development.

There’s no doubt that thumb sucking can be a great self-soother for children, but as they get older it can interfere with their speech development, cause orthodontic issues, lead to bullying and increase the risk and spread of illness. Breaking the habit can be hard, but here are six products which might just do the trick.

Tguard - thumb sucking device

1. Thumb Guard

This plastic shield worn over the child’s thumb and held in place with a bracelet, is designed to stop the suck motion from happening when they pop their thumb in their mouth, and therefore takes away the pleasure from the activity. Made from BPA and phthalate-free plastic, it claims to stop thumb sucking in less than four weeks with most parents seeing results after just one. It comes in three sizes with 30 different coloured bracelets so kids can mix it up daily, plus includes a reward chart and stickers.

Available from: thumbguard.com.au

Mavala Stop Nail Biting - nail polish for thumb sucking

2. Mavala Stop

Designed for children aged three and up, this clear enamel is put over the thumb or nails to prevent sucking or biting thanks to its bitter, yet harmless taste. For this technique to be effective, it needs to be reapplied every two days, with the original layer removed prior with nail polish remover. The reason it’s not recommended for kids under three is because their taste buds aren’t developed properly yet and they might get used to the taste.

Available from: Pharmacy Online

Thumb Buddy To Love - thumb sucking book

3. Thumbuddy To Love

Aimed at three to six-year-olds, this sweet storybook about stopping thumb sucking also comes with a little thumb puppet kids can wear any time, day or night to help remind them not to suck. Available in two characters – Ballerina Sue and Fireman Fred, it also comes with a weekly success calendar and stickers.

Available from: Amazon

Fabric thumbguard - Etsy

4. Thumb glove

There are lots of various thumb gloves out there, but we think this one from TheThumbGuardStore is pretty sweet and affordable. Handmade from 100 percent soft cotton fabric with velcro, it simply straps onto your child’s hand to help remind them not to suck their thumb. Child-friendly and washable.

Available from: Etsy

Nipit thumb sucking device

5. Nipit Hand Stopper

Designed for children aged two to seven, this clever device velcros on to your child’s arm to prevent them from fully extending their elbow, meaning their thumb can’t comfortably reach their mouth. Leaving hands free and uncovered, it’s all about stopping the arm motion upwards toward the mouth. Comfortable, adjustable and colourful it’s a nice alternative to other hand focused products out there.

Available from: Amazon

Newborn cotton mittens - big w

6. Baby mittens

Mittens for babies are really cute and can stop them scratching themselves, but they also work well as a way to prevent or stop a baby sucking their thumb. This is only really suitable for newborns or other young babies, as once they get a bit bigger they’ll just take the mittens off themselves!

Available from: BIG W

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