Traffic-stopping! Dad delivers baby girl on Sydney’s busy M4 motorway

Posted in Birth.

Traffic was held up for kilometres during peak hour when baby Lexi couldn’t wait a minute longer to be born! She was delivered by her dad on the side of Sydney’s M4 motorway.

New dad, David Price, and his partner Angela, were on their way to hospital when Angela told him she had to push. 

David sped up, but soon Angela told the nervous dad-to-be that she could feel Lexi’s head emerging. David quickly pulled over into the breakdown lane on Sydney’s busy M4 motorway and called triple-0.

“We were having early contractions at home, as you do and then things started to ramp up so we thought – time to go,” David told Nine News.

New dad’s SAS handbook helped him deliver his first baby

Amazingly, David used the one page of information he had on emergency births – from an SAS survival handbook his grandpa had given him as a teenager – to help him deliver little baby Lexi.

David had told Angela that he’d read the handbook so he could deliver the baby if he had to!

But David never wants to do it again

After the birth, David called triple-0 and reached operator, Peta Sleigh. When he told her about the handbook, she joked with him, “There you go. Why do you need an obstetrician?” 

David’s reply? “Because I don’t ever want to do that again!”

dad delivers baby on M4

Paramedics arrived soon after the birth and Lexi, Angela and David were taken safely to hospital.

Thankfully, after the unexpected emergency roadside delivery, Mum and baby are both doing well.

Sounding like every relieved new dad, David later told Nine News, “She’s a beautiful baby girl … there was plenty of crying last night.”

Little Lexi will one day be able to say her arrival stopped traffic!


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