The coolest toddler balance bike – the Early Rider Spherovelo Juno
It looks space-age, but it’s very much of the moment – meet the boldest little balance bike going around.
Balance bikes are such a great introduction to bike riding, but they’re generally aimed at children from about two years old. This great addition to the Early Rider balance bike family can be used from ten months, up to two years old.
This is Juno, a Spherovelo – which is a push along ride on for toddlers. It’s the world’s first ride on aimed at accelerating the development of young children. It does this by helping them make the connection between their senses and their motor system. In it’s simplest form, it’s about teaching them co-ordination.
The Spherovelo design is basically two large spheres, and is based upon the principle that a ball able to move freely will relocate, rather than tip like a wheel. So essentially the wheels have been replaced by an arrangement of spheres – simulating a bike, but being somewhat more forgiving.
The Juno is available in three colours, and is currently on sale through Early Rider Australia for $100, and shipping is free within Australia.
(via KidCrave)