Got a friend who deserves a ‘You Saved My Butt’ award? Then let her know!
You know those mum-friends who have your back? The ones who help you juggle mumming and life, without dropping all the balls?
Yep, those.
They are the best, right?
Well, I think it’s time we awarded them a special badge of honour. An appreciation award, if you will. Let’s call it the ‘You Saved My Butt’ award because gawd knows how many times she’s rescued your arse.
So, drum roll please, the ‘You Saved My Butt’ award goes to:
The friend who OFFERS to mind your kids
Before you even ask her, she’s offering to mind your little one.
She knows whatever you have to do will be painful with a child in tow. So she simply says, “Just drop him to me, easy.”
And it is.
The friend who loans you ALL the stuff
Your kids are often wearing her kids’ clothes because they got wet, dirty or had an accident at her house.
Likewise, your Tupperware drawer has a container of hers in it. “That was so nice of her to cook for me when I was drowning,” you think every time you open the drawer before forgetting to give it back again.
You’re not sure which toys belong to her kids in your toy basket too because she knows the only way to avoid a tantrum when you guys leave her place is to loan your toddler one.
The friend who sends reminders
She knows you might forget about kindy photo day, mothers’ group dinner, or that on Friday it’s mufti day at school, and you need to give your kid a gold coin donation. So she texts you.
Gosh, you love her little ‘don’t forget!’ messages.
In fact, you need them more than an online calendar, which isn’t as reliable as she is.
She really does save you.
Yep. She’s deserving of a ‘You Saved My Butt’ award, or like, ten.