Jessica Simpson mum-shamed over her daughter’s outfit choice

Posted in Family.

Jessica Simpson is a dedicated mum-of-three, welcoming a brand new baby girl to her brood in March.

Birdie’s nest

Jess and husband Eric Johnson are now parents to Birdie, six-year-old daughter Maxwell and five-year-old son Ace Knute.

Jess’s social media is packed with photos of her kids, and she’s obviously relishing her role as a mum. But sadly that devotion doesn’t stop the mum-shamers coming for her because the internet is the internet and people need someone to pick on.

First critics were angry that Jess appeared to be shaming formula-feeding parents. (She wasn’t!)

Now they think Jess is letting her daughter were inappropriate clothing. (She isn’t!)

When Jess uploaded a photo of her daughter Maxwell in free dress on her final day of term, the response was not as she might have expected.

Rather than celebrating another parent’s pride in their child, some people were keen to burst Jess’s bubble and take her to task over Maxie’s outfit – a boho white shirt, denim shorts and boots.

Too grown-up?

“My pretty little lady’s last day of 1st grade. She is way cooler than her mom,” an emotional Jess wrote alongside the photo of her little girl.

While some fans congratulated the family on this milestone and gave Maxie props for her style, others decided some shaming was in order. #sigh

“Please have her create a look in clothes her size. Don’t have her grow up before her time,” one wrote.

“Ok she’s 7 and wearing makeup,” someone else asserted.

“She looks like she woulda bullied me,” another follower posted. #Weird

“First grade? Dressed like a high school student. My opinion,” one commenter asserted.

“She is so cute!”

Thankfully – as we mentioned. – others were a little kinder.

“Dresses better than I do!” one fan posted encouragingly.

“My kid is in first grade and is always in track pants with yoghurt on his face and mud on his knees…lol…girls are so different to boys!” someone else observed.

“She is so cute! Wishing her a safe and fun summer full of new adventures!!!!” another wrote.

Yay to new adventures – and BOO to those who would shame a little girl for her dress-ups.

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