Chrissy Teigen’s lolly-loving toddler daughter Luna is growing up SO fast

Posted in Family.

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend are parents to three-year-old Luna and one-year-old Miles. Chrissy just shared the most adorable video of her eldest, and it’s clarified quite a few important details about Luna’s life.

“I know how to eat candy”

If your tired soul has been battered by noisy children and demoralising news all weekend, this is the story you need to read. Let us set the scene …

Luna Stephens (aka the daughter of John and Chrissy) is sitting amongst some very pretty pillows chatting to her grandmother (aka Chrissy’s mum) Vilailuck “Pepper Thai” Teigen.

Pepper is video-ing this very cute conversation, and it goes a little something like this.

“I know everything,” Luna says to her grandmother as they have a good-natured debate about who knows more. “I know how to eat candy. And I know how to eat Spocky. And I know how to eat Sour Patch candy. And pasta. And … and eggs. That’s all I eat!”

“That’s all you know, but I know more,” Pepper Thai says. “I can travel …”

“No I can travel,” Luna says crossly, cutting her off. “I’m the ONE!”

Pepper thinks for a second as things threaten to escalate.

“I can not swim,” Pepper concedes fairly.

Luna’s eyes light up.

“I can swim. I can swim really good like Lisa,” Luna counters.

“Oh. Oh …” Pepper says. “But I can drive. You can’t drive.”

Luna’s suddenly reasonable to a fault.

“No. Maybe when I get a leeeeetle bit older,” Luna says hopefully.

Chrissy shared the clip on her Instagram account with the very understandable caption “I love this age.”

She then clarified that “spocky = pocky (she does not only eat pocky, sour patch and eggs).”

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I love this age

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Runs in the family

Luna gets her candy-admiring traits from her own mama; it would seem.

Last year Chrissy started a bit of lolly chatter of her own when she talked about her favourites on Twitter – with similar passion to Luna, it must be said.

“The best Gummy Bear is the clear gummy bear. This isn’t up for debate. You either agree or you’re wrong,” she tweeted.

“The best Skittle is purple followed closely by red,” she continued. “Orange Tic Tacs are fantastic.”

“Best Sour Patch is red … Best Starburst is pink, obviously,” Chrissy summed-up.

Now it’s obviously time to revisit that OTHER brilliantly cheering Luna video – Luna’s car dance. Thank you, Luna.


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