The FlyeBaby hammock – a hands off approach to flying with baby

Posted in Travel.


If the very thought of flying with a baby sets your heart racing and palms sweating, have a look at this clever option.

The FlyeBaby is a hammock-style restraint, designed for babies who are minimally mobile. The top attaches to your tray table, while the child, restrained by a five-point-harness, sits on your lap. It leaves your hands free to entertain baby, or if they’ve nodded off, you’re able to eat or read a book – things which are difficult while nursing a baby.


It should be noted that the FlyeBaby can only be used when the plane is cruising – babies must be held when planes are taxiing, taking off and landing. A child using the FlyeBaby as a hammock on a plane should weight no more than twenty five pounds, or just over eleven kilos.


If the fact that the FlyeBaby will save your arms during flights hasn’t hooked you, its versatility might. It can also be used as a portable high chair, as it fits most dining chairs. It costs $59.95 plus postage, and is available locally through From One Parent To Another.

If you’re searching for more ways to make traveling with children easier, have a look at our post on plane travel with kids, and check out the clever SideKick Bliss and Travel Mate.

(via Gizmodo)


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