“Stay awkward, brave and kind,” Brené Brown on how to handle global panic

Posted in Wellbeing.

There have been a number bright spots in the midst of what’s going on across the globe right now. People are helping neighbours who might be isolated or in need. Others are singing in the streets of Italy.

“Staying well together”

And today’s highlight has come courtesy of bestselling author and researcher, Brené Brown (she of this TED Talk which has been viewed over 45 million times.)

Brené took to Instagram to share some much-needed commonsense thoughts on community, compassion, calm and kindness. She called for her 2.2 million followers to pull together, harness their fear, reject individualism and use this pandemic as an opportunity to build stronger bonds with those around us.

“Surviving this crisis will take a shift in mindset, and that’s tougher than we think – especially when we’re afraid,” the Daring Greatly author wrote.

“Fear and anxiety can drive us to become very self-focused. This global pandemic is a real case of ‘getting sick together’ or ‘staying well together.’ ”

We’re all being faced with decisions we’ve never had to make, and this is where we can really put that mindset shift into action, Brené wrote on Instagram.

“Our choices affect everyone around us. There is no such thing as ‘individual risk’ or ‘individual wellness.’⁣ This is the ultimate reminder that we are inextricably connected to each other. Turning away from collective action right now – as tempting as it is – will only generate more pain.”

“Try to be scared without being scary”

Brené reminded followers to be brave and think of others as well as ourselves, noting it’s “our only path to safety for ourselves and the people we love.”

“We can all get really shitty really fast when we’re afraid. I get it,” she posted.

“I’m using deep breaths along with my personal mantra: ‘Try to be scared without being scary.’ Feel free to borrow both – they can help.⁣ It’s also really normal for everyone to be on our nerves: The people who aren’t following the rules, the 10-second hand washers, etc. I get that too. TRUST ME. ⁣”

“Like it or not, we just can’t give up on people. We’re all we have,” Brené continued. “Stay awkward, brave, and kind. Love each other. Spread calm.⁣”

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Surviving this crisis will take a shift in mindset, and that’s tougher than we think – especially when we’re afraid. ⁣ ⁣ Fear and anxiety can drive us to become very self-focused. This global pandemic is a real case of “getting sick together” or “staying well together.” ⁣ ⁣ Our choices affect everyone around us. There is no such thing as “individual risk” or “individual wellness.” ⁣ ⁣ This is the ultimate reminder that we are inextricably connected to each other. Turning away from collective action right now – as tempting as it is – will only generate more pain. ⁣ ⁣ Owning and embracing our global interconnectedness (from a safe distance) and thinking about others as we make choices is, ironically, our only path to safety for ourselves and the people we love. ⁣ ⁣ We can all get really shitty really fast when we’re afraid. I get it. I’m using deep breaths along with my personal mantra: ” Try to be scared without being scary.” Feel free to borrow both – they can help.⁣ ⁣ It’s also really normal for everyone to be on our nerves: The people who aren’t following the rules, the 10-second hand washers, etc. I get that too. TRUST ME. ⁣ ⁣ But, like it or not, we just can’t give up on people. We’re all we have.⁣ ⁣ Stay awkward, brave, and kind. Love each other. Spread calm.⁣ ⁣ xo,⁣ BB⁣

A post shared by Brené Brown (@brenebrown) on

Wise words, indeed.

Brené’s followers loved this message and were keen to share their own thoughts too.

“I’m struggling with this!” one wrote. “People who aren’t taking this seriously are really triggering my anger and judgement. Thank you for this reminder.”

“Remember, crisis lines and text numbers are open for anyone who wants to chat,” another follower posted. “I can’t stress this enough. There is more to this than washing your hands. Take care of each other!”

“Thank you for these GEMS: Try to be scared without being scary. Spread calm,” someone else posted.

If you’re feeling distressed or overwhelmed, mental health professionals are available 24/7 at the Beyond Blue Support Service on 1300 22 4636 or at beyondblue.org.au/getsupport for online chat (3pm-12am AEST) and email (responses within 24 hours).
For immediate support call Lifeline on 13 11 14 and in an emergency, always call triple zero (000).


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