Got 30 kid-free minutes? Here are 10 quick things you can do to treat YOU

Posted in Wellbeing.

If you’ve somehow found yourself with a kid-free half hour to spare, but have forgotten what you’re meant to actually DO during these sorts of rare moments, we’ve got your back!

Forget the dishes or laundry or signing those 137 permission slips from kinder – and slip into this list of fun but speedy solo stuff to do, instead! 

1. Hot bath, nice drink

I mean, can you even beat a delicious drink of your choice in a steamy hot bubble bath? We think not! Not only is a hot bath a physical way of drawing a line in your day and entering the relaxation zone, there are other body benefits too. The temperature of the water relaxes your muscles, calms the nervous system and give your heart a healthy workout. Why wouldn’t you bubble up?!

woman in bath tub

2. Yoga boost

There is nothing like a little bit of yoga to make you feel sparkier and much more smug. If you don’t have time to go to a class – or are a wee bit shy – then our friend Adriene of Yoga with Adriene is the answer. Not only does she have free yoga classes ranging from a speedy 5 minute practice to sessions that last for over an hour. Adriene’s of the opinion that when it comes to yoga, “a little goes a long way” and that you should “find what feels good”. So what are you even waiting for?!

3. Tea and pats

Sometimes nothing beats just plonking yourself down somewhere comfy and snuggling up for a chat with your pet. As Australian comedian Hannah Gadsby remarked in her recent Netflix show Nanette, one of her favourite things is the sound of a tea cup hitting a saucer, and honestly we totally agree. Just add a cat. Or a dog. Thirty minutes well spent.

woman / mum walking with phone

4. Phone a friend

“Dozens of studies have shown that people who have satisfying relationships with family, friends and their community are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer,” the good folk at Harvard Women’s Health Watch say. In this age of social media, despite the oft-touted connection it offers, we’re increasingly feeling disconnected. Take things old school and go voice-to-voice with somebody you love. Not only does a chat on the phone make you feel closer to your person, it reminds you how easy and fun it is to actually talk to another human!

5. Power nap

Experts tell us that “a 26-minute nap improves performance in pilots by 34 percent and alertness by 54 percent”. Now if it works for pilots, it’s got to work for the much more dangerous vocation of parenting, amiright?! Plus, you’ve got 4 extra minutes up your sleeve!

Woman / mum with headphones

6. Quick TED pick-me-up

Sometimes you need to treat yourself to an inspirational monologue that will shake things up and spark some fresh perspective or ideas. May we recommend: 

7. Sheet mask meets podcast

Sheet masks are everybody’s new favourite thing – just ask Zoë Foster Blake and Drew Barrymore – so why not slip one on and settle in to listen to some grown-up conversation. Podcasts are the perfect sheet mask partner and we suggest the brilliant chatter at Kinderling Conversation, full of friendly advice, interviews and insightful tips for busy/ tired parents.

Woman walking outside mum

8. Attack the block (walk)

Put some comfy shoes on, download something brilliant via Spotify or iTunes, head out the front door (don’t forget to shut it and take your keys!) and pound the pavement of your neighbourhood. Remember to breathe deeply and walk at a pace that feels comfortable. We want to get moving and treat you to some fresh air and blood pumping activity. We don’t want you to rupture a valve.

9. Story time

Tell yourself a story for once! Thirty minutes should give you just enough time to listen to at least one chapter of a brilliant book on Audible. There are a bonkers amount of books you can download and cue up over there. May we recommend a few to get you started?

10. Random act of kindness

One of the very best ways to make yourself feel good is to do something nice for someone else. In fact, doing something kind gives us a natural serotonin boost so it’s guaranteed feel-goods from the inside out! (Serotonin is a chemical in our system that gives us a feeling well-being – and many anti-depressant medications work by boosting serotonin levels.)

Now just be sure you don’t spend your entire spare half hour deciding which thing to do first! 

This is a sponsored post for Kinderling Kids Radio. You can listen to Kinderling Conversation each weekday at midday, or subscribe to the podcast and listen whenever suits you.



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