Make tummy time terrific with Active Babies Smart Kids from GymbaROO

Posted in Care.

Active Babies Smart Kids

Tummy time! We all know what it is, but here’s a guilty secret – some of us (or more accurately, our babies) don’t love it. What can you do? Quite a lot, as it turns out.

One of the things I remember having impressed on me in the weeks directly following the births of all my children, was the importance of giving them plenty of tummy time. I started out with good intentions, but to be honest, I didn’t stick with it. I suspect because I didn’t do it very much, my kids never got used to it, and so never really enjoyed it. I wish I’d had some good ideas from early on about how to incorporate it into our days.

Active Babies Smart Kids GymbaROO

What I really needed was education – the kind of education provided by the instructors at GymbaROO and KindyROO, who not only specialise in early childhood development, but also in simple ways to learn how to have fun playing with your baby. They run their programs all over Australia, and in fact, all over the world, but now even if you can’t get to a program, you can glean from their wealth of information in their new Active Babies Smart Kids online video series, which is absolutely free.

What? Yes, absolutely free! (I thought that warranted a second mention.) If you live in Australia or New Zealand, you can register for free and have instant access at home to all their baby development information, which is the kind of information that’s so helpful for new parents. Let’s face it – unless you have some kind of training in infant and child health, there are stacks of things about child development which aren’t even on your radar until you have a child of your own.

Active Babies Smart Kids GymbaROO

Tummy time is just one of these areas – did you know that placing your baby on their tummy works muscle groups all the way from their necks to their feet? Not only does it help prevent head flattening (which is becoming more and more common in young babies), but it provides lots of great opportunities for playing with your baby, which is one of those things that feels like it should be easy, but sometimes isn’t.

Of course, it always helps to know what the professionals think, and with Active Babies Smart Kids, it seems they’re of one mind – they love it:

The Active Babies Smart Kids series has so much value for new parents. We had all our children, (many years ago!) go to GymbaROO and I couldn’t recommend highly enough both GymbaROO classes and now their new series for babies and parents. As an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist I was particularly impressed with the episode on Speech and Hearing and the one on Tummy Time. Well done GymbaROO.

You can see more testimonials at their website, and you can get a taste of the kind of information provided at Active Babies Smart Kids from the video below. What are you waiting for?

(This post is sponsored by GymbaROO)


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