Just when you think you’ve got life nailed, “your kid is naked in your window”

Posted in Behaviour and Discipline.

Perhaps you’ve felt like frazzled mum Jeni Boysen? Heading off into your day thinking you’ve momentarily nailed parenting until a kindly neighbour literally reveals the truth in all its toddler glory.

“I just cried”

Luckily Jeni shared her relatable story on Facebook because it’s one that will have you giggling AND feeling a little relieved that daily family dramas are not exclusively the domain of your family.

“Ya know,” Jeni wrote. “Sometimes you think you’re doing okay at life and then you get a message like this from a neighbor. I just cried I laughed so hard. This is exactly the laughter I needed tonight.”

“My kids may as well be nudists,” she added.

The message exchange between Jeni and her neighbour went a little like this:

Neighbour: Your kids is naked in your window (attaching photo of said nakey kiddo with privates censored out). [Had] to send you a photo. I’ve deleted it. But I looked up when I got home and there he was.

Jeni: OMG. I’m laughing so f*cking hard.

Same, Jeni, same.

Ya know. Sometimes you think you’re doing okay at life and then you get a message like this from a neighbor. I just cried I laughed so hard 😂😂😂 This is exactly the laughter I needed tonight.

Posted by Jeni Boysen on Monday, 3 February 2020

A beautiful day in the neighbourhood

Jeni’s followers also absolutely loved this update and the photo is now going viral and sparking many social media inches of delighted chatter.

“The fact that your neighbor texted you this makes it 10x funnier,” one follower posted. “I would of seriously peed myself laughing.”

“Well this made me laugh anyway, hang in there Mom,” another follower commented.

“This is the best laugh I’ve had in a while hahahahahhaa. What a good neighbourhood!” someone else posted.

“He will tell all his friends”

If you’re wondering how the little boy in question felt about his viral nature, there’s no word as yet. That said, Jeni is well aware that her kid might have some feelings about it down the track.

“He’ll really love this when he is older,” Jeni admitted.

“Was literally just thinking that, I’m sure he will tell all his friends once he’s in high school,” one of Jeni’s pals agreed.

Screengrab nakey in window


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