Understanding your toddler’s challenging behaviour

Posted in Feed Play Love.

Toddlers can be a handful.

You need to follow them everywhere, because you never know when they’ll climb on top of your cupboard, pour flour all over your kitchen floor or discover your precious stash of chocolate.

They can also be incredibly defiant and wilful. Thank goodness they’re so dang cute!

But there are very important, developmental reasons why toddlers can be so challenging.

Dr Kate Highfield is an expert in early learning with Early Childhood Australia.

She goes through some of the more typical toddler behaviours that can leave us pulling our hair out, and explains what’s happening and how we might deal with them effectively.

Listen to Dr Kate Highfield on Feed Play Love:

Find more great stories and expert advice in the Feed Play Love podcast. Available in Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen.


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