Why little boys love their doodles SO much

The other day at the park some mums and I were standing around chatting, as you do. In between moaning about what to cook for dinner (what WILL they eat?), we saw one of our little boys drop his dacks in the distance. As he did a tree wee, another little guy came up to […]

Researchers may have found a cure for picky little eaters

A small study of children with diagnosed restrictive eating has found that a special program can help parents make ‘life-changing’ improvements to their child’s eating habits. Cognitive-behavioural therapy While the study group was tiny – just 21 very fussy-eating kids – the results were significant enough to get parents and researchers pretty excited. “Pediatric researchers […]

Hilaria and Alec Baldwin’s little girl cutely reacts to their latest pregnancy

A delighted Hilaria and Alec Baldwin revealed their pregnancy earlier this month, and it seems they’re not the only ones who are thrilled! “So sweet” In a video shared by Hilaria on Instagram recently, the couple’s daughter Carmen is beside herself with excitement too. Captioning the video for context, Hilaria explained – “I recorded this to […]