“Sh!t it’s Book Week next week” 6 thoughts we’re all secretly having about it

Posted in School.

It’s that time of year again when our kiddos are invited by their school or childcare centre to dress as their favourite book character. Oh fun! (Said no busy parent ever.) 

That’s right, next week is Book Week.

Ah, bloody book week. Listen as you hear every single Aussie mum sigh, “I don’t have time for this shit.” Especially in lockdown, as millions of mums, dads and kids are right now.


It’s chance, if only via Zoom, to break up the monotony and inertia so many  children are keenly feeling at the moment. And, if your child is fortunate enough to be able to don her costume and take part via a classroom video call, in which she might be able to see and giggle at what other kids are wearing, then who are we to refuse a small light of happiness during this otherwise bleak time?

(We can just as easily see thousands of parents putting a blanket over their kid, telling them they’re the Monster Under the Bed and calling it a day. And you know what? There will be zero judgement from us.)

Here are some other thoughts that we promise not to judge as we’ve all secretly thought them ourselves when Book Week rolls around every year.

 1. What dress-ups do we already have?

Before I dash down to Kmart (assuming there’s one within a 10km radius of home and that we’re even allowed to shop for something this non-essential) and buy the last remaining costume that could pass for a book character, what do we already have in the dress-up box that will work?

Elsa! We have an Elsa dress. Yes! Sorted.

Elsa dress up

2. Oh, do movie characters count?

Hmmm, Frozen is a movie, and Elsa is a Disney princess … but there are spin-off books, right?

Okay, maybe I’ll keep Elsa as a backup if I can’t think of anything more literary.

3. What about the rag bag?

Oh, we have heaps of old clothes that I’ve tossed in the rag bag with rips and stuff. Maybe she could be Charlie from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Who am I kidding? She will want to be Elsa, not some povvo kid from the rag bag.

4. What books does she love?

She used to like Where Is The Green Sheep? when she was little. Awww, I read it over and over. Oh yes, she would be such a sweet little green sheep. But, humph, how the f*ck would I do that? Nope. Too hard. Keep thinking.

Dress up kids

5. I’m not a Book Week type!

Wah! I am not an ‘I’ll just whip that up’ type of person. All those crafty mums out there sewing this and creating that are making me look bad. I just want to forget about bloody Book Week.

But I probably won’t.

And this is why.

6. They will love dressing up

This isn’t about me. Just think of a simple costume and don’t go overboard. It doesn’t have to cost much or do your head in. They will just enjoy dressing up with their little friends.

Oh, I know! I’ll just whip up one of these super easy headbands and call it a day:

Perfect. And it’s easy. NO SEWING! Check out these other super quick and easy book costume ideas you can whip up with a minimum of fuss.

Phew, Book Week sorted for another year. 


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