Child starting school? Here are the secret rules all parents need to know!

Posted in School.

School rules aren’t just for kids. Turns out, there are certain rules of schooling that all parents will discover during the school term as well. Here are 11 of the best. What others have we missed?

The first day of school is nearly here which means it’s time to finalise those book lists, label those containers and prepare for early mornings all over again. If this is your first year doing the school run, then here is a little something to prepare you for what’s to come. And mums and dads who have kids returning to school, how many of these ‘rules’ applied to you last year?

1. If you try to ‘kiss and drop’ you still need to get out of your pyjamas first

Because the one day that you try to deposit the kids without getting out of the car will be the day your car breaks down. Nothing endears you to parents you don’t know yet like waiting for the mechanic in your PJs.

2. The day you are running late and have an early appointment will be the day your child cannot find his socks


3. Gold coin donations and cake trays will be the death of you

Just prepare to give a coin to some cause every single week. And, on the days that your child doesn’t come home with a notice requesting a gold coin donation, then you can bet she comes home with an empty Styrofoam cake tray that you are expected to fill with home-made, allergy-friendly treats.

ten rules school1

4. Never throw your child’s artwork on the top of the bin

There are 200 school days each year. At least 200 pieces of paper that your child has drawn (scribbled) on will come home with you. You don’t have that much fridge space and, let’s face it, some of the artwork is less-than-incredible.

When binning the rejects, make sure you hide them under at least three newspapers to avoid hearing “Mum, why did you throw my picture out?”

5. Don’t let the weather fool you – it’s going to rain at pick up

It’s sunny. There isn’t a cloud in sight. Oh, except that one looming right over your child’s school at exactly 2:45pm.

6. The lunch box will always come home with a rotten piece of fruit and at least one piece of crust

Even if you didn’t pack fruit or a sandwich in the first place. It’s the law of lunch boxes.

7. No matter when your child lost an item, it will always be at the very bottom of the lost and found bin

Even if it was only a day ago, finding it will somehow require you to sift through many weeks’ worth of lost underwear, jumpers, hats and containers to retrieve it. And it will smell.

8. You will owe the library money at the end of the year

Because library books tend to vanish into the same abyss in your home which also swallows the plastic lids and matching socks.

9. The day your child is getting an award will also be the day that you have a very important early morning meeting

Traffic was bad. The end.

This will also occur on the day your child leaves his lunch or water bottle at home.

10. Your child will receive at least 15 Christmas cards in November

And you will spend one full night writing, licking envelopes and adding a candy cane to 30-odd cards for his classmates (while he plays iPad in the corner and complains that his arm is too sore to write any more names).

Yoobi stationery

11. Regardless of how many pens you buy at the start of the year, you will manage to only find half a crayon when you need to sign any permission slip

Stationery is a must for home and for school. If you’re going to be buying bucketloads of pens, crayons and pencils (and you will), then you may as well buy from an Australian company that offers high-quality products and gives back to the community. 

So, cheers, mums and dads, to surviving another summer with the kids and to enjoying another school year of missing hats, crowded carparks, colourful labels, overdue library notices, broken shoelaces and crazy hair days. Bring it on.


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