Put that back! Here’s 6 things you definitely DON’T need to buy for a newborn

Posted in Parenting Essentials.

When you’re a first-time mum, the world of baby paraphernalia is overwhelming to say the least. Walking into a baby shop is akin to a trip to Aladdin’s cave. There’s so much choice and you don’t know what you should grab first. But, beware, all that glitters is not gold. There are so many things you JUST. DON’T. NEED.

Here’s just a few:

1. Wet wipe warmers

As far as I’m aware, no baby objects to baby wipes being at room, bag or café temperature. Unless you’re planning on keeping your wet wipes stored in the freezer, a wet wipe warmer is completely unnecessary.

I appreciate that the warmer also doubles up to ‘inhibit the growth of microbes within the tub and, subsequently, prevent discoloration of wipes’. But, again, this seems over the top.

In my experience, my wipes have never discoloured or dried out. It’s called sealing the top of the packet! It’s really not that hard.

2. A million outfits and bibs

Babies are not fashionistas and don’t need 25 onesies, 35 singlets and 51 pairs of tights – all of which they will grow out of in a number of weeks. Other than the occasional spew, babies don’t need regular changing. In the warmer months, they need to wear nothing more than a nappy and a singlet at home. 

Similarly, it’s easy to find yourself drowning in a sea of bibs. Everyone gifts you bibs (why?) and every time you hit the shops, you add another pack to your trolley, just in case. Of what? A bib shortage? A bib strike?

3. Shoes

Newsflash, peeps. Babies can’t walk, so while those baby shoes may be cute, they’re pretty pointless. That is, unless you’re looking to perfect your squat moves every time you go out because those shoes will be falling off EVERY. FIVE. MINUTES. This also applies to socks.

As a side note for later, there’s no need to get specific shoes for your toddler dependent on the number of steps they’re taking. Steps are steps and unless you want to buy shoes every week, I suggest you avoid this particular mum-guilt trap.

4. Bath thermometer

It’s sad to think that our poor parents weren’t blessed with such products as this. How did they survive? It’s a wonder we weren’t all burnt or frozen when we were bathed back in the day. Yes, it’s scary to think it, but they actually used their elbow or hands to gauge the water temperature. Makes you shudder to think, right?

5. Pee pee teepees

We mums of boys have all been there. Changing the nappy only to be christened by a fountain of wee. But cringe no more, because a pee pee teepee will put an end to that.

Because you don’t have enough to juggle and get to grips with in the first place, you can now throw a teepee in to the mix too. It won’t take long to balance it skillfully over your son’s penis. It might just take a bit of practice and you have plenty of time.

Perfect for those occasions when a makeshift wet wipe cover just won’t do, right? Can you see my eyes rolling out of my head?!

6. Expensive linen

The range of baby linen available is vast and ranges in price. Admittedly, you don’t want your baby sleeping on a sandpaper sheet – even I’m not that harsh. But when it comes to spending, it’s questionable the difference in quality between the $50 set and the bedding that’s costing $200.

Plus, because you love your baby and, ironically enough, want to keep them safe, you won’t end up using the bumpers, doonas or pillows anyhow!

This list is far from exhaustive. There are soooo many other products out there that I could add. So, take this list with you next time you head out shopping, and remember the most important thing your baby needs is YOU!

Other items to add to your give-it-a-miss list

  • Pacifier wipes – apparently regular wet wipes just won’t do
  • Nappy change bin – because your usual bin just isn’t up to the job
  • Stupid-expensive stroller with all the bells and whistles – because your baby needs 300 seating angles and 400 options for future add-ons
  • Baby food processor – because it’s different to an ‘adult’ one?
  • Formula making machine – what the? I don’t even know where to start?!!! Do you have no hands?


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