Wait, what? Jools and Jamie Oliver’s eldest daughter is HOW old?!

Posted in Birthday.

It’s hard to believe but Jamie and Jools — who have been married for an enduring 17 years — are now the proud parents of a 16-year-old, with daughter Poppy celebrating her birthday over the weekend.

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Pops you are 16 and we couldn’t be prouder of you ❤️ best friend ❤️

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The OG Pops

The world’s most famous celebrity chef and his designer wife are parents to five kids, but Poppy was the OG baby Oliver. We can’t quite believe it’s been 16 years since she made her adorable debut!

Poppy Honey Rosie Oliver was born on March 18th in 2002. She’s the big sister in a gang of five lavishly named children: 14-year-old Daisy Boo Pamela, eight-year-old Petal Blossom Rainbow, seven-year-old Buddy Bear Maurice, and toddler River Rocket. 

Jools posted a lovely photo to celebrate her daughter’s big day: “Pops you are 16 and we couldn’t be prouder of you, best friend,” she wrote on Instagram. On Poppy’s birthday her dad Jamie posted … pictures of Yorkshire pudding, a polenta cake and some pork crackling. Seems legit!

Hip Pop Hooray! 

Don’t take the pudding/crackling/cake sitch as an indication that Jamie didn’t heap lots of love on his eldest child, however. He’s already gone on the record about how much he admires Poppy (and her sister Daisy) noting that they’re possibly more responsible — and much better at parenting — than he is.

Poppy and Daisy not only know their way around a tantrum-ing toddler, they know their way around the business end of a birth, having been present at 19-month-old River’s birth in 2016. Poppy cut the cord with critics quick to howl in protest, saying kids should not be present at the birth of a child.

Jools, Jamie, Poppy and Daisy

Poppy with baby sister Daisy

Jamie disagreed. He says this experience was a defining one for both of his daughters (YAY, Jamie!).

“It’s only controversial to really strange people! Most of the world has home births, and different countries have different habits. It was an idea from mum and the kids, and we gave it lots of thought. As soon as the baby was out and safe, we got the nod — Poppy cut the umbilical cord.”

“To see my two teenagers watch their mum was extraordinary. It was the right age for them, the right scenario for us, and I witnessed their initial raw emotion as the little one was handed to them. I know they respect their mum now even more than they already did. It was an amazing show of strength.”

It’s clear these kids are SUPER DOOPER loved and adored and it’s a total treat to behold.

Happy Birthday, Poppy Oliver!!

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One of the happiest memories of yesterday ❤️

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