6 Christmas gifts you can make from the kid’s artwork
While some parents go a little bit nuts about all those works of art their kids bring home from childcare or school, others are hatching clever ways to reuse and re-gift these first creative endeavours.
Luckily there are a bunch of smart cookies out there, co-piloting these clever transformations. With a few clever clicks, artwork can become the most favourite gift in the whole wide world!
Here’s how:
1. Stick ’em up!
Every fridge should be nicely dressed and these kid-inspired magnets are quite possibly the perfect match for your family! Order your kid’s artwork magnets at AnchoredGoose
2. Bring the bling
Clever technology means that your child’s simple (or complex!) line drawing can be speedily transformed into a gold-foil work of art. Order your foiled kid’s artwork at ToriKraut.
3. Arty dollar bills
What could be cuter than paying for your lunch with a bunch of bills clipped together in adorable kid style?! Grab your personalised money clip at NowThatsPersonal.
4. Kids’ drawing stuffed toy
Winter Ema takes your child’s drawing and magics it into a cheery toy that’s MUCH cuddlier than its original. Snaffle your super special toy at WinterEma.
5. Tote your kids’ artwork
These simple totes are part kids’ canvas and part very helpful shopping buddy. Order a personalised tote at MonadaHomeDesign.
6. Sleep on it
You are guaranteed an adorable night’s sleep with these arty-yet-cute, bespoke pillowcases. Kid’s artwork pillowcase by Ollie’s Room.
Maybe it’s time to start sorting through that huge pile of doodles for something to spark gift-giving at your place?