“We’ve discussed this” Apple Martin parents Gwyneth online, but is it a joke?

Posted in Entertainment and Technology.

Most teenagers loath their parents sharing images of them on Instagram. But when you are the child of a celebrity with over five million followers, well, that’s just embarrassing on whole other scale.

Apple Martin, the daughter of Gwyneth Paltrow knows this only too well. Recently she reminded her famous mum of the house rules when it comes to social media, and it’s created a bit of a commentary storm.

But is it all just a joke?

Here’s what went down.

A fun ski trip

Gwyneth loves posting to Instagram, so naturally, she was keen to share an image of her and Apple on a recent ski trip.

The selfie is taken on the chair lift and shows a smiling Gwyneth with an expressionless Apple wearing a ski mask.

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A post shared by Gwyneth Paltrow (@gwynethpaltrow) on

Now Apple is 14, so like most teenagers, she likely feels embarrassed/annoyed if her mum posts any photos of her on social media, without asking her first. 

More posts about Gwyneth Paltrow:

“Mom, we have discussed this”

After the pic went up though on Gwyns Instagram, Apple appears to parent her mother by commenting:

“Mom we have discussed this. You may not post anything without my consent.”

To which Gwyneth replies:

“You can’t even see your face!”

While it’s true that Apple’s face is pretty hidden under her mask (and this might be why her mum thought this one image was OK to share?) the teen clearly wants her mum to respect her privacy and have better social media boundaries when it comes to her.

Online catfight

The short online convo between mother and daughter has erupted in an online storm. The post has generated 1,569 comments so far and most of them have been to do with the comment, rather than the pic. 

Those on Team Apple have agreed with the teen saying she has a right to privacy and her mum should respect it. Others on Team Gwyneth, though, argue the mum should feel free to share whatever images she likes and that her daughter is out of line in telling HER what to do.

Here are a few:

Team Apple

“I agree with @applemartin on this. I have 2 teenage sons and now that they’re old enough to be affected by something I post. I always ask them if it’s OK first. It’s a simple show of respect for them, the same as we expect them to show to us,” says alena_eh

“Beautiful picture but parents need to respect children’s right to be anonymous! She did not choose to be the daughter of a celebrity :-),” commented mariguesaana.

Team Gwyneth

“Lol you can’t even see her face. It’s just a nice picture of a mom and daughter having fun on the slopes. I bet she doesn’t whine about the beautiful home she lives in, or the materialistic things she gets handed to her. To call your mother out publicly is wrong. It’s not an inappropriate or ugly picture.. stop it ?,” repremanded olivia_katherinel

“Sounds like junior needs to be put in her place. #parentsDontNeedPermission” says circlecast

Then they got even nastier

As often is the case when people are hiding behind a computer screen, they feel they can say whatever they want, no matter how nasty it is.

“Apple shouldn’t live off her mama’s money then. It’s a pic with your mom brat, get over it,” snarked konkrete.rose.


But is it all a joke?

Apple’s comment has since been deleted with one person perhaps shedding some light on the situation.

“Lol you guys made the poor kid delete the comment. It was a joke people. There are several other comments of Apple begging her mom to post her more. I feel like people jump at every opportunity to criticise Gwyneth. I will make it my personal duty to defend her at all times. ?,” says skyline431.

It could just be a passing comment, except that Apple HERSELF replies:

@skyline431 thank u❤️

Whether or not the comment is supposed to a joke doesn’t matter. What’s important from all of this is that it has opened up a conversation around parents posting images of their kids on social media.

Maybe we need to think twice before we upload that image or write that post to do with our kids, especially if they are easily-embarrassed teenagers trying to forge their own identity.


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