Help! My kid’s kindy is ruining my Bachie experience
So The Bachelor starring Nick-I-still-don’t-know-why-he’s-called-the-Honey-Badger-Cummins aired last night. And I missed it. All because of my son’s wonderful kindy.
You see, for two days a week – which just happen to be Wednesdays and Thursdays (the very same days The Bachelor episodes air) – my little guy, WHO WILL NOT NAP AT HOME, has a day sleep at Kindy. And on these nights that day sleep is the death of my evening me-time.
Here’s what happened and why I think I need to politely ask his kindy teachers to drop that damn day sleep, so I can watch The Bachelor. Let me explain!
7pm bedtime becomes 9pm
When my little man comes home pumped from his stimulating day at kindy, I know I am in for bedtime battles that night. While I would usually have both of my boys tucked up in bed and dead to the world, by around 7 pm, on kindy nights this is more like 9 pm for my youngest (and he’s only three!).
This is because on these days he still has a day sleep – curled up on those cute stretcher beds beside his little buddies. But as a result of the refreshing nap, he’s full of beans come bedtime, and is still zooming his Duplo aeroplane around the house long after his brother has hit the hey.
But it’s Bachie time!
Now every tired parent knows that the quiet time we get to indulge in after our kids have gone to sleep is sacred. It’s the time when you might pour yourself a glass of red and exhale the day. It’s also the time for watching TV that isn’t Paw Patrol or Peppa Pig.
The last thing you want, then, is it for this lovely adult quiet time to be interrupted by a zooming three-year-old who wants you to build a train track with him, rather than cuddle up next to you so you can watch a bit of ‘mummy telly’ – or GO TO BED.
And ‘mummy’s telly’ right now, for me anyway, is The Bachelor – or at least it would be if it weren’t for those kindy naps. And yes, I know I could watch the reruns after it’s aired but it’s so late. The other thing about The Bachelor is you feel like you’re missing out if you don’t watch it in real time. It’s fun to follow what people are saying about it on social media and indulge in some chit-chat about it with your friends the next day.
Translation: "we had a nice chat" #TheBachelorAU
— The Bachelor Aus ? (@TheBachelorAU) August 15, 2018
Here’s an example
This morning I logged onto my computer to start work only to discover I had been added to some secret Bachie chat group on a work messenger platform. The conversations went as follows:
“Twitter thinks BROOKE is going to win,” – Pip.
“Ohhh, I love Brooke. And Sophie. But the producers have been watching too much UNREAL … The content they showed of Cass, seriously…” – Angela.
“Cass’ hair extensions were so bad last night!” – Elise.
“Who is Cass?” – Me
So back to the day sleep
Now I have a bit of mum guilt. I kinda want to ask kindy to stop my little guy from napping, but am I being selfish? I mean, is this really just so I can get my Bachie on?
What if he really needs that sleep? After all, kindy is wonderfully stimulating for his little mind and he may crave the mental rest.
But then 9pm is way too late for a three-year-old to be up, right? So maybe I am being a bad mum by not cutting it out? He needs consistent bedtimes.
And if I do ask them to cut it out, will he just nod off and have a power nap on the drive home from pick-up because he does NEED the sleep?
I’m thinking his sleep is more important than my Bachie fix – of course, but maybe I can strike a compromise with his teachers? Perhaps they could wake him after a quick nap so the evenings aren’t doomed and he keeps to a regular bedtime, even on kindy nights.
In the meantime, I am going to watch the rerun of last night’s episode. I need to know who Cass is, and also see those hair extensions.
Read more about toddler sleep:
- Hacks to help you avoid a chaos-ridden bedtime routine
- New study shows “bedtime fading” helps fix toddler sleep issues
- 9 ways to survive bleary-eyed mornings when you have an early riser