No-bake butter-choc-snap slice recipe

Posted in Recipes.

If you’re pondering fete season or wondering about simple slices you can knock up without turning the oven on, then this recipe is for you.

Not only is it super easy to whip up, but it also puts a more golden syrupy spin on the traditional hedgehog slice.

Simple enough for kids to whip up and delicious enough for mums and dads to store on the top shelf of the pantry for those after-dinner chocolate fixes, this slice could even work brilliantly as a cure for PMS. Although this has not been proven by any research other than anecdotal.

So let’s get cooking!

1/5 (1 Review)

  • Makes : 16
  • Prep time : 10 mins
  • Cooking time : 2 hrs

No-bake butter-choc-snap slice ingredients

  • 350g of Butternut Snap cookies
  • 400g of dark cooking chocolate
  • 1/2 cup of thickened cream


  • Line a 20cm x 30cm slice tray with baking paper.
  • Pop biscuits in a large plastic bag. Wrap bag in a tea towel. Whack with a rolling pin to crush the biscuits.
  • Put cream in a large heat-proof bowl. Sit the bowl over a pot of simmering water on the stove. Stir until the cream is warm.
  • Add the chocolate pieces and remove from the heat immediately. Stir until the chocolate has melted and combined with the cream. It should make a glossy mixture.
  • Fold the crushed biscuits into the chocolate mix, combining it all well.
  • Pour into the slice tray and squash down into the tray, making the top as flat as you can and ensuring the slice mix is pushed well into the corners.
  • Refrigerate for 2 hours or until firm and set. Cut into pieces.

Now you can either wrap the pieces in baking paper individually (especially useful for cake stalls or pretty parties) or pop the lot into a decorative tin or storage jar. Then gobble their golden and chocolate-y deliciousness up!

Browse our recipe section for more great meals and treats to try.


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