5 glorious ways to make the most of this summer’s strawberries

Posted in Recipes.

There’s something about a bowl of fresh strawberries that is so special, so full of summer’s promise, that makes you want to dive straight in and enjoy a handful of their sweet bounty ‘au naturel’. And with a bowl of strawberries looking so delectable, it’s never been easier to get kids interested in eating fruit. 

But if you can keep little hands out of the bowl long enough to save some, there are plenty of simple ways you can turn your bowl of strawberry glories into something even better. No cooking necessary!

1. Fruit skewers

Kids love eating things on a stick – it makes an ordinary snack seem like party time! So to encourage more eating of fresh fruit, it’s never been easier – just thread bite-sized pieces of strawberries, rockmelon, pineapple, mango and kiwi fruit onto a skewer and top with a grape. If you are giving these to very young children, be sure to break the pointy end off the skewer first and make sure they stay seated while they eat.

2. Strawberry smoothie

If you have a child who is naturally suspicious of anything that even LOOKS like a fruit or vegetable, smoothies will become your best friend. Just add a handful of hulled strawberries, half a banana, a cup of milk, and a dollop of plain yoghurt into a blender and whiz it all up into a frothy pink drink. Delicious!

3. Chocolate-dipped strawberries

Once you stop thinking that choc-dipped strawbs are only for consumption on Valentine’s Day, you can start to appreciate them as an occasional treat to be enjoyed at any time of the year! All you need to do is carefully wash and pat dry whole strawberries before plunging them into the bowl of chocolate you spent two minutes melting in the microwave. The kids will love helping you make these – and they’ll love eating them even more.

4. Strawberries on toast

Add a little heat, thanks to toasted bread, to fresh strawberries and you get a lovely slightly collapsed fruit that is delicious to eat. And if your kids are of the slightly adventurous variety, they’ll love trying this breakfast combo – a piece of lightly toasted bread spread with a peanut paste (smooth is best!) and covered with thinly-sliced strawberries. Trust us – this is a taste sensation.

5. Strawberry-topped breakfast


There is no easier way to transform an everyday bowl of cereal into something that makes you glad to be up and out of bed than a judicious scattering of strawberries and a dollop of yoghurt. Try this super-easy recipe for yourself:

Weet-Bix strawberry delight


  • 2-3 Weet-Bix
  • 4 large strawberries
  • 100ml plain unsweetened yoghurt
  • 1 tablespoon chia seeds


  1. Place Weet-Bix in a bowl and top with yoghurt, strawberries and chia seeds.
  2. If desired, pour on milk or milk alternative. Enjoy!

You’ll be amazed at the ways you can use Weet-Bix in recipes for your family. From breakfast ideas to dinner and desserts, check out and download the free Weet-Bix Cook Book – filled with a collection of tasty Weet-Bix recipes to suit any occasion.

(This is a sponsored post for Weet-Bix)

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