“We got 1!” Amy Schumer shares new details of her second bub IVF journey

Posted in IVF.

Earlier this year, Amy Schumer reached out to her Instagram followers for support and to share stories about the struggle that IVF can be.

26 to 1

Over the weekend Amy — who is mum to one little boy — updated those same fans with some granular details about how her own current fertility treatments are going. Amy’s married to Chris Fischer and the couple are besotted parents to baby Gene.

In the name of transparency and destigmatising discussion about the difficult path to babies that many families tread, the loveable comedian revealed she had a whole lot of eggs in them there ovaries!

“Hey!” Amy posted on Instagram. “So IVF went like this for us. They retrieved 35 eggs from me. Not bad for the old gal right? Then 26 fertilized! Whoah right?”

“For all of those we got 1 normal embryo from that and 2 low level mosaic (mosaic means there are some abnormal cells but can still lead to a healthy baby) So we feel lucky we got 1! But what a drop off right?”

What a drop off indeed and definitely not what the layperson would expect from 35 retrieved eggs.

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Remember how this feels

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Empowered and supported

Amy thanked her fans for their helpful input as she navigates this process, and honestly isn’t this a brilliant case of social media doing so much good?!

“I have so appreciated everyone sharing their IVF stories with me,” she wrote on Instagram. “They made me feel empowered and supported. So I wanted to tell you how mine went down.”

“So many women go through many rounds of ivf which is painful and mentally grueling. I heard from hundreds of women about my their miscarriages and struggles and also many hopeful stories about how after rounds and rounds of ivf it worked!! It has been really encouraging.”

As she did with her original IVF update in January, Amy expressed her current happiness and invited followers to share their stories with her once more.

“I am so grateful for our son and that we have the resources to get help in this way. I just wanted to share and send love and strength to all of the warrior women who go through this process,” she wrote.

“My number is in my bio if you are open to text me your experience or whatever you feel like. I read them when I can’t sleep or have time.”

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Hey! So ivf went like this for us. They retrieved 35 eggs from me. Not bad for the old gal right? Then 26 fertilized! Whoah right? For all of those we got 1 normal embryo from that and 2 low level mosaic (mosaic means there are some abnormal cells but can still lead to a healthy baby) So we feel lucky we got 1! But what a drop off right? Anyway I have so appreciated everyone sharing their Ivf stories with me. They made me feel empowered and supported. So I wanted to tell you how mine went down. So many women go through many rounds of ivf which is painful and mentally grueling. I heard from hundreds of women about my their miscarriages and struggles and also many hopeful stories about how after rounds and rounds of ivf it worked!! It has been really encouraging. Thank you. Anyway I am so grateful for our son and that we have the resources to get help in this way. I just wanted to share and send love and strength to all of the warrior women who go through this process. 🎸💪🏾 my number is in my bio if you are open to text me your experience or whatever you feel like. I read them when I can’t sleep or have time 👻

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“Nothing but truth”

Amy’s fans (both famous and non-famous) were thrilled to be looped in on her IVF progress.

“The drop off is so tough!! I’ve been there many times. Thanks for sharing, and blessings for new life,” singer and new mum Natalie Imbruglia wrote.

“You’re amazing. Thanks for being nothing but truth,” one follower posted.

“Thank you for making conversation around this topic more commonplace and giving people space to share and feel less alone,” another follower wrote.

“That’s amazing!!” a fan commented. “It’s a miracle we get pregnant at all when you think of the odds! Sending you all my love and good vibes. It’s so cool that you’re being so open about this. So many of my friends have been through this hell and it can be so lonely and isolating. You are helping so many!! But that does not surprise me.”

We totally concur!


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