Gene genie: 8 ways parents’ genes influence a baby’s appearance and character
If you’re pregnant or have a very small child, you might be interested to know how your genes will affect your little one. So let us take you through the basics.
When sperm meets egg your baby’s first cell is formed and begins multiplying into trillions of cells like a champ. In the process they inherit 23 chromosomes from each parent (or 46 chromosomes in total.) One pair of genes determines sex. Other genes help determine other characteristics in your child. Some genes will be dominant and while others are recessive. This gene cocktail combines to create your unique little human.
1. Eye colour
Eye colour is displayed according to the amount of pigment in the eye. This is governed by genes, with brown eyes being the most common colour. Around 79 percent of the world’s population has brown eyes, and brown-eyed parents usually have brown-eyed kids.
But not always. If relatives in both brown-eyed parents’ extended families have blue eyes, they carry those genes and may still have a blue-eyed child. And if not, it’s possible that their grandchildren may end up with blue eyes, because those genes may successfully combine to create a blue-eyed baby down the track.