Same, same but different: The most popular baby names in 1890

Posted in Baby Names.

Can you imagine life as a parent back in the 1890s?

No washing machine, no car, no microwave, no real equality between men and women.

And – no Facebook! Gah.

If you were a woman in those times, you would have been expected to get around in some very elaborate daywear. Heavy and hot and not at all conducive to wrangling babies and running around after toddlers.

Not that that stopped anyone from procreating of course! Apparently, in the 1890s, women in western countries had between three and five babies on average, which left them with quite a few names to come up with, right?

With that in mind, here’s a list of the ten most popular names for boys and girls from the 1890s. And as you will see there are a few quite recognisable names being used today.

Would an old-world name be a good choice for your new bundle of joy?

Top 10 girls’ names in 1890

  1. Mary
  2. Anna
  3. Margaret
  4. Helen
  5. Elizabeth
  6. Ruth
  7. Florence
  8. Ethel
  9. Emma
  10. Marie

Top 10 boys’ names in 1890

  1. John
  2. William
  3. James
  4. George
  5. Charles
  6. Joseph
  7. Frank
  8. Robert
  9. Edward
  10. Henry



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