Lauren Dubois: Psychedelic dreams and other fun stuff about motherhood

Posted in Feed Play Love.

When it comes to telling it how it is, Lauren Dubois is hilarious and spot on.

A former political reporter, now a blogger with a hoard of followers, Lauren delights her audience with her witty insights into raising children.

Now she’s released a book You Will (Probably) Survive- and other things they don’t tell you about motherhood.

It’s for every woman who just wanted a friend to tell her the truth, and make her laugh at the same time.

Lauren talks about swapping the halls of power for changing nappies, and the crazy, crazy dreams you can have when you’re pregnant. 

Listen to Lauren Dubois on Feed Play Love:

Find more great stories and expert advice in the Feed Play Love podcast. Available in Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen. 


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