Teaching kids about Anzac Day through books

Posted in Feed Play Love.

Anzac Day is a national public holiday where many families stop to commemorate fallen soldiers.

So how do you explain what it all means to a young child?

Emma Cox is a teacher-librarian.

She tells us the best books she’s come across to help little minds get across some complex ideas.

Listen to Emma Cox on Feed Play Love:

Here are Emma’s top ideas for picture books for ages three to six:

  • The ANZAC Tree by Catherine Booth
  • ANZAC Biscuits by Phil Cummings and Owen Swan
  • My Grandfather’s War by Glyn Harper and Jenny Cooper
  • Alfred’s War by Rachel Bin Sellah and Samantha Fry
  • ANZAC Ted by Belinda Landsberry

For older children:

  • Lone Pine by Susie Brown, Margaret Warner and Sebastian Ciaffaglione
  • In Flanders Field by Norman Jorgensen and Brian Harrison-Lever.

Find more great stories and expert advice in the Feed Play Love podcast. Available in Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen.


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