Helpline: Toddler teeth cleaning, weaning, transition to one nap and more

Posted in Feed Play Love.

Every parent should have access to good support and guidance, which is why mothercraft nurse, Chris Minogue joins Feed Play Love for Helpline every week.

In this episode Chris gives advice for the following challenges:

  • A one-year-old who wants to drop his second day sleep
  • A 15-month-old who won’t sleep through the night
  • An 18-month-old who refuses to brush their teeth
  • A five-year-old who is consistently wetting the bed
  • Weaning before going back to work
  • A six-year-old who finds comfort in their mother’s armpits
  • A two-year-old who is not forming words yet
  • Transitioning an 18-month-old to one day sleep
  • A one-year-old who won’t give up their bottles
  • A ten-month-old whose sleep -both day and night- is unsettled

Listen to Chris Minogue on Feed Play Love:

Submit your questions to Chris for Helpline on Feed Play Love:

Find more great stories and expert advice in the Feed Play Love podcast. Available in Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen.


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