5 simple things that make a marriage happy

Posted in Relationships.

There’s nothing like death to appreciate life. And there’s nothing like watching the heartbreak and the disintegration of a friend’s marriage to appreciate your own.

Relationships are hard work, and they can take even more work once kids come along. Work that no one has the time or patience to do.

Over the last year, I have watched my friend’s heart unravel. I’ve heard all the small ways a loving relationship can turn into a painful one. It’s been hard to witness, but it’s made me take a serious look at my own marriage. It’s helped me to appreciate what I do have, but also to pay more attention to the details that matter.

I would much prefer she wasn’t going through this at all, but it has taught me some important things. They are simple and obvious, but sometimes get missed in the chaotic mix of work and family life.


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