Mum and illustrator, Kara Western, is all of us. And her Instagram feed showcasing her cute #mumlife drawings is adorable proof.
Check out some of her sweet doodles, which will have you nodding and smiling too!
“Motherhood is what I live and breath”
As a stay-at-home mum living in the French Alps, talented Kara has a knack for summing up day-to-day motherhood in pictures.
Her sweet style and desire to capture all of our shared mum-moments, even the ones of us swiping on our phones while pumping breastmilk, has already earned her a solid Instagram following.
The mum of one is also preggers with her second bubba baking away. In her usual cute way, she has nailed what it’s like to create a new life while juggling a toddler, and feeling like a crazy walking hormone.
While celebrating that there are all ‘types’ of mums out there, Kara also has a serious of drawings to do with this – and she is so on the ball. Which one are you?
On her website, Kara says she is passionate about making the everyday moments of motherhood normal so we feel less alone, but also to appreciate these as important and special as the big milestones.
“Embrace your top knot, the toys on the floor and your now cold cup of coffee. Rejoice in knowing that this is exactly how it should be. Motherhood looks like this for all of us!” she says.