First-born child truths that all parents will recognise

Posted in Family.

First in, best dressed?! For a little while, your first-born is a “temporary only child”. Then you have the bright idea or happy accident of growing your brood – and everything changes BIG TIME!

If you’re pondering the differences between your first-up kiddo and those that came afterwards, here are a few things to keep an eye out for. While they won’t apply to every family, these first-born trends endure:

First-borns are more indulged, and it's bad for their health!

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As parents lavish their attention on their "temporary only child" they may accidentally contribute to their first-born susceptibility to develop diabetes, metabolic disorders or become obese. Good to know!

Research also tells us that "later-borns are actually on average heavier and healthier at birth."

More reading: Scientific American


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