Get rid of head lice the easy way with single treatment Licener shampoo

Posted in Family Health.

Recently there’s been lots of discussion in the Babyology office about head lice. One of our team members was at her wits’ end (or should that be nits end?), trying to get rid of the wretched things and asked for suggestions.

In many respects, we’re a team divided on this issue – some of us take the strictly ‘all-natural’ approach while others do whatever it takes. I’m in that second group – four kids at a school that doesn’t do nit-checks (which means untreated kids can run around ‘sharing’ for weeks) – and I can confidently say that I know my way around the head lice issue (yes, I lead a glamorous life). So here are my top tips for tackling pesky head lice.

1. Conditioner is not a nit treatment (unless you’re prepared to comb your kid’s hair with a nit comb every day until they’re 21). If your childcare or school requires evidence of head lice treatment before your child can return, you will have to use a commercial treatment, such as Licener.

2. Some kids are nit magnets. You know how if you’re outside in the evening with a group of people and one person gets covered in mozzie bites and everyone else is spared? Head lice are the same. Although they don’t discriminate, it seems some kids have more scrumptious scalps than others.

3. A change is as good as a holiday. The chemist has an aisle of head lice treatments which can be overwhelming. If you have been using one product for some time with no luck, it’s worth trying something else to keep the lice on their toes. I’m like a nit-attacking version of Dan Ackroyd in Ghostbusters.


4. Be alert but not alarmed. Vigilance is the key but remember, lice don’t discriminate and there’s no need to feel embarrassed if your child has them.

5. How do you ‘do’? Boys with buzz cuts and girls with braids so tight that it makes your scalp hurt just looking at them usually belong to parents who are at the end of their nit rope. In all seriousness, lice move from head to head via direct contact so hair that is loose is the equivalent of a lice welcome mat.

6. Remember to laugh (or you might not stop crying). How I laughed when the first head lice notice from school arrived home on day three. Day three! And even the kids joined in the fun when we play ‘Nit Bingo’ (if all four of my kids bring home a head lice notice on the same day, we yell ‘Nit Bingo!’).


When it comes to products, I’ve tried everything available (again, the glamour!) but for a fast acting solution in beating these creepy crawlies that requires minimal effort, Licener should be your first port of combat call. A single treatment, Licener is an easy-to-use head lice shampoo that kills head lice and their eggs in one single amazing ten minute application – and parents of curly and long haired children rejoice because Licener doesn’t require any painstaking comb through. Simply apply to dry hair covering all hair and scalp, leave it to work its magic and rinse out – you don’t even need to back it up with a regular shampoo and conditioner!

Licener is priced $19.95 for a 100ml bottle and can be bought at selected outlets or direct from Licener. Always read the label, use only as directed. Good luck getting rid of nits and I hope just reading this article hasn’t made you start itching!

(This post is sponsored by Licener)



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