Miracle baby wakes from coma as doctors prepared to turn off life support

Posted in Baby Health.

It’s being hailed as a miracle. The family of a little girl who had been in a coma for months were advised by doctors that it was time to turn off her life support, but the one-year-old had other ideas.

Induced coma

Doctors advised the family that they had done all they could and that even if Marwa woke up, she’d suffer ‘severe problems’.

But her family were not ready to give up. Certain that the child would recover, they began lobbying doctors for more time and started an online petition to rally support for the baby girl.

Marwa, who is a twin, had been in an induced coma since September 25th, after an aggressive virus attacked her nervous system and major organs.

Understandably desperate to do all they could to ensure the little girl pulled through, her family took Marseille’s La Timone Hospital to court, where officials granted a two month ‘extension of care’, giving her a little more time to respond to treatment.

Lo and behold, just ten days later, the toddler woke up and began responding to those around her.

Not without my Marwa

Marwa’s father Mohamed Bouchenafa has been documenting his daughter’s treatment via the Facebook page Jamais sans Marwa (Not without my Marwa).

He shared amazing video of her shot just a few days apart. In one clip we see the tiny girl comatose and clinging to life, as the family asks for support and prayers.

The next miraculous clip – just a few days later – captures the toddler waking up. It shows a smiling, conscious Marwa with teary eyes open as her daddy says her name.

The family never gave up fighting for the little girl and it seems their efforts were well and truly rewarded.


Progress every day

The family confirmed that Marwa is progressing well and that all her organs are working as they should be.

Speaking to website Nice Matin, Marwa’s dad said: “Her treatment continues, but we see progress every day and that gives us a lot of hope.”

“When I speak to her, she hears my voice, she reacts, sometimes even smiles.”



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