Watermelon Christmas trees recipe

Posted in Recipes.

Folks, when bringing Christmas to the festive table it doesn’t get much easier than this. The best of all the raw, no fuss, kid-friendly treats – here is the know-how you need to create easy watermelon Christmas trees.






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A sharp knife and a watermelon is all you need to set yourself up. Nope, no ordinary bowl of watermelon will do this year. Give the people watermelon trees with rind tree trunk handles!

  • Leaving the rind attached, slice the watermelon quarter into slices around 2.5 to 3 cm thick. Cut each slice in half - this will make your tree shape.
  • Using a small knife, make two incisions a third of the way in from the corner on each slice. Cut along the watermelon flesh and rind line to remove the corner rind and - oh holy night - you have yourself a tree trunk!
  • How many trees you'll get out of a watermelon quarter depends on the size of your melon, but I'm confident it will all be eaten with gusto on a hot Christmas Day.

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