
Types of Mums at the Supermarket

Types of Mums at the Supermarket


There are 8 Types of Mums you can find in the supermarket

For any mother, the supermarket can be an intimidating place. The supermarket is a place that can evoke every emotion from joy to frustration in a single trip. You may find that as a mother, you are often wearing many hats and embodying different personas during your shopping trip. Each mum reflects the complexity of motherhood, whether you are rushing down the aisles or enjoying a quiet moment by yourself. Take a look at eight different types of mothers you may encounter during your next shopping trip.

1. The Barely Holding It Together Mum

The classic “barely holding it together” mother. It’s a common figure among new parents and can last longer than we would like to admit. It’s her. She looks like she’s not slept for days. Her hair is unbrushed and her shirt coffee stained. She’s usually accompanied by an infant in a stroller.

Imagine her pushing a shopping cart with one arm while the other holds her baby and whispers to calm them. She has a list of things she needs to remember, but the baby keeps crying louder every time she tries to recall something. You’ll notice a mix of fatigue and determination in her eyes, a silent call for solidarity. This mother is a living testament to the struggles of young motherhood. She is trying to calm her baby while also remembering her shopping list. You can smile at her and say “you got this” if you happen to see her.

Types of Mums at the Supermarket
Types of Mums at the Supermarket

2. The Angry Mum

You know that angry mother. She’s got a fierce look and tension in her eyes. She’s trying her best to maintain composure after a car ride full of complaints. She’s likely just realized, as she is trailed by a bunch of unruly dogs and her kids, that she forgot to bring the important shopping list with her.

If you cross paths with this mum, a sympathetic smile might be just what she needs. A smile of sympathy could be the thing this mum needs if you happen to cross paths. Sometimes, acknowledging her struggles will make her smile.

The angry mother is in many ways a reflection on the pressures parents are under today. It’s not surprising that parents are stressed out in public because they have to balance work, family and social obligations. Offer her a supportive word or lend her a hand if you see her struggling to manage her children or groceries. You might just give her the boost she needs.

3. The Teaching Experience Mum

There’s also the mother who makes grocery shopping a fun and educational experience. She is enthusiastic about explaining where each item comes from, whether it’s the benefits of kale or how avocados grow. “See, kids! This is broccoli!” “It’s full of vitamins!” She exclaims, as her children stare on in a mixture of confusion and disinterest.

Although her intentions may be noble, this often leads to children asking questions that no one can answer. For example, how did the chicken get from Old MacDonald’s farm to the dinner plate? One child may ask “Mummy, what makes broccoli look like little trees?” and the shopping trip becomes an impromptu biology lesson.

She is trying to integrate learning into her everyday life, but may be overwhelmed by unexpected questions. Even if the discussions can be awkward, it’s still a good effort. We all want to teach our children good habits, and the grocery store can be an excellent place to do this.

4. The Smug Mother with the Sleeping Toddler

This mum is a pro. She glides down the aisles with her toddler in the shopping cart while sipping coffee and taking it easy. She has mastered the art of timing her shopping trips so that they fit in with her child’s naptime. She looks so satisfied as she ticks off her shopping list.

You might see other mothers envious as she walks through the store. She creates a calm environment that is in stark contrast to the chaos of shopping with children. Her secret? Her secret? A well-structured schedule and a bit of luck! She’s made good use of her quiet time.

The smug mother is not without its struggles. While she is smug, she may feel a pang when thinking of other parents who are battling tantrums and meltdowns. In that moment she is enjoying the peace she has earned in an otherwise busy life.

5. The Smash and Grab Mum

The smash-and-grab mum knows her child like the back of her hand. She has become an expert in timing her shopping trips. She dashes into the store to grab the essentials just before her toddler can throw a temper tantrum. She races down the aisles with a bag of snacks or sultanas in hand, picking up items with laser-like focus.

Grab the milk! “Grab the milk! She mutters, “We’ll figure it out later,” as she rushes by the bakery section. The tantalizing aroma of fresh bread almost lures her in. She knows that every second counts and that she is on the verge of a meltdown. You’ll be able to tell if she is speeding by because the pressure on her is real.

Smash and grab moms are often seen with a small cart of essentials. While she may feel guilty about not exploring the shop, she understands that survival is more important than exploration. You might see her look at you with a frantic expression, giving you a little nod as if she were saying, “I understand you.”

6. The Organic Mum

The organic mum is on the other end of the spectrum, and she’s committed towards a healthy lifestyle. She is often found in the health food section, looking for exotic grains and superfoods. She’s rarely found in the junk-food aisle as she is on a quest to make sure her family only eats the best.

She selects the best organic fruits and veggies with her reusable bag. She might say, “Didn’t you know that these strawberries are pesticide free?” pointing at the bright red berries and displaying a proud glint in her eye. Her passion for health can lead to some comically expensive purchases. She bought a bag organic corn chips the other day that tasted like cardboard.

The health-conscious mother’s commitment to her family often causes her to have conversations with other shoppers. She might ask “Have You Tried the New Vegan Cheese?” and eagerly exchange recipes and tips with other enthusiasts. She takes great pride in the healthy choices she makes for her family.

7. Junk Food Mum

The junk food mum is a stark contrast. She has accepted the fact that her children prefer frozen chicken nuggets and fish fingers over broccoli. She’s chosen convenience foods and processed food after going through the Annabel-Karmel phase.

The battles at the dinner table can be like a marathon. She often uses bribery to keep peace at the table. It could be a promise of ice cream or a buttered vegetable. She negotiates with a picky child, “Just a bite of your peas and you get ice cream!”

The junk food mother has learned to accept her choices and often talks with other parents about their struggles. She might laugh off her latest culinary disaster, saying “We all have moments.” She’s well aware of the nutrition debate but has made peace with herself, realizing that sometimes, getting food to her children can be a success in and of itself.

8. Shop with Mum

The last one is the mother who enjoys a shopping trip without her children. She is usually dressed in her workout gear and sees the time as a break for herself. She can browse the aisles without having to worry about chasing or soothing her children.

She can enjoy the luxury of shopping in her own time. She can take her time to admire the new yogurt brand or decide which snack to purchase without hearing “Can we leave now?” in her ears. She exudes a sense of satisfaction and peace as she takes some well-deserved “me time.”

Her relaxed attitude makes us wish we could go shopping alone now and then. She may have a shopping cart full of treats that she buys for herself, such as artisanal chocolates and cheeses. She smiles as she approaches the cashier, a triumphant moment in her busy motherhood.

Mum Buying Baby Food in a Supermarket
Mum Buying Baby Food in a Supermarket

How to Grocery Shop with Your Mum

Let’s go on a funny journey of the grocery shopping experience with your mother. This is an exciting rollercoaster filled with expectations.

Disbelief and the occasional meltdown

Stage 1: Lies and Denial

You believe her when she says “this will take only a few moments”. She has made a list and insists that it’s just the essentials. You believe her naively, believing it will be easy. You have less than ten things? What could go wrong?

Stage 2: The Produce Section

You rush to the produce section of the supermarket, where you find your mother transformed into a fruit lover. The brown mothers in particular are fond of buying fruit in large quantities. Your words may fall on deaf ears when you try to remind her of the abundance of apples and clementines in the refrigerator. Within seconds, her cart was filled with oranges, mangoes, and apples. She looks at you, and replies, “You.”

Stage 3: Ignore the list

It becomes apparent that this trip is not going to be a quick one after 20-30 minutes. After 20 to 30 minutes, it becomes clear that this is not a quick trip.

Stage 4: Price Matching Madness

After an hour, the cart looks like a small supermarket. You’re in a parallel universe, where you have to spend an eternity shopping for groceries. Your mother gives you her phone so you can compare prices. You confirm painstakingly that the oranges she has in her cart cost three cents less at a store which you cannot even pronounce. The price is good, but you’re tired of constantly comparing prices.

Stage 5: Second trip to produce

Your mother’s ideas are different from yours. She comes back to get a few fruits with her seemingly endless enthusiasm. You’ve accepted that this is the way your life will be.

Stage 6: You’re Questioning Your Sanity

You’ve lost all sense of reality and start to wonder if you will ever be able to escape. You have lost all senses of reality, and you start thinking about your friends. Do they remember you at all? They’ve moved on. You’re a ghost walking the aisles of the supermarket.

Stage 7: Acceptance

Your mother continues to add items, ignoring your sanity. You start to suggest items without caring about the quantity. You’re now too far gone to resist.

Stage 8: Emancipation

The shopping trip ends. As you unload your groceries at the checkout, your mother looks over the bill. She smiles and says, “That was great fun!” You want to stop at a store on your way home for some sweets?

You realize in that moment that these trips have meaning despite all the chaos. As exhausting as they are, you cherish the time spent together.

Family Grocery Shopping in Supermarket
Family Grocery Shopping in Supermarket


Supermarket trips are a microcosm of motherhood. They can be filled with chaos, laughter, and challenges. These experiences, whether you are the mum who barely keeps it together or the mum who is smugly enjoying a quiet moment in the supermarket, weave together to create the rich tapestry that is parenting.

Take a moment as you walk through the aisles at the supermarket to observe the different experiences of the mothers you see. Every mum tries to balance the demands of family. Remember this the next time that you’re in the supermarket: we are all in it together. Share a laugh, embrace the camaraderie and find joy as you share the struggles of motherhood. It’s part of the messy, beautiful journey of motherhood, whether it’s the chaos, the learning moments or just surviving the grocery trip.

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