5 toddler rites of passage all parents must live through
We’re all entitled to rites of passage in life. The 18th birthday bash, our first trip overseas without our parents, or our first housewarming. So, surely toddlers should have the same rites, even if theirs are somewhat different to ours.
The experienced parents among us will recognise the following:
1. A bad haircut
For every haircut that a toddler has in their first year, there’s always at least one bad. Going to that cheap hairdresser may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but now your child looks like Spock you’re having to rethink.
Of course, for those who want to save money or think ‘how hard can it be?’, there’s always a ‘home’ cut by Mum. These are usually obvious from the wonky fringe, uneven ‘layering’ and pudding bowl style.
Thankfully hair regrows. In the meantime, there are hats.