5 great reasons to come to our new toddler parenting workshop

Posted in Behaviour and Discipline.

Tickets to our new Tackling The Toddler Years parenting workshop on Sunday 9 September are moving faster than a tot in a toy shop, so be quick and grab yours today. 

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They’re just $49 (including lunch and refreshments!) and give you full access to our intensive practical workshop with our favourite experts sharing their best advice for taming the turbulent toddler phase.

To get you even more psyched, here’s five great reasons to come along:

1. Because toddlers are difficult to understand!

And that’s putting it nicely. Sure they’re cute and fun, BUT they can also be defiant and highly erratic. New milestones and developmental skills mean fresh questions and challenges. As parents, we presume we should naturally know how to handle these, which is strange given we’ve never done this before.

This workshop is dedicated to looking at what makes toddlers really tick and revealing what’s really driving their (often baffling) behaviour.

2. Amazing speakers delivering actionable advice

To learn more about these curious little creatures, we’ve assembled an A-team of early childhood experts to give you the tips you need. They are:

3. We know the pain points for parents

Join us as we dive deep into hot topics like challenging behaviour, fussy eating, sleep issues and toddler development, and learn how to manage them. Check out the full program now.

4. All your questions answered!

Got a particular query? Every session has time built in to ask your own question and pick our experts’ brains for the best solution.

5. Enjoy a 5-star venue with lunch and refreshments

Forget cold lecture halls and uncomfortable plastic seats, this event is happening at The Establishment, a beautiful venue in Sydney’s CBD, and a delicious lunch and refreshments are included! Afterwards, you and your friends could even hit up the bar for a celebratory ‘parenting win’ drink. That bit is up to you though!

Tackling The Toddler Years workshop

Sunday 9 September, 9:30am-2:30pm
The Establishment Ballroom

Thanks to our event sponsors

The Green Elephant
With two exceeding services in Rosebery and Waterloo, The Green Elephant prides themselves on being a community of learners and uses this positive behaviour management to empower children to make the right choices with the right support as they grow into confident and capable learners.

When it comes to kids’ accessories, b.box boast the best. They design products that are fun, innovative and above all, functional. Catering to baby’s first bites to big kids, their amazing product range features everything from meal-time must-haves to handy bottles to nappy storage solutions.

NAN Supreme 3
NAN Supreme 3 is a premium milk drink, specially formulated for toddlers from 1 year of age when energy and nutrient intakes may not be adequate. Every cup contains probiotic Bifidus Bi and a mix of essential vitamins and minerals. Backed by 150 years of infant nutrition research and development, NAN toddler milks have helped to nurture generations of young children.

Kinderling Kids Radio
Kinderling is the soundtrack to the daily rhythm and mood of a family with young kids. Like most parents, sleep is their top priority so check out their bedtime audio stories, Sleepy Soundtrack overnight music specials, Bedtime Explorers kids meditations and their Promise of Sleep podcast. Listen on their free app, digital radio or online at kinderling.com.au.


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