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Important Information About En Caul Births

Everything You Need to Know About En Caul Births

It’s not surprising that we are excited to see this “en caul” phenomenon. There is a one in 80,000 probability of a baby being delivered in its amniotic pouch.

En caul is a rare birth where the baby is still in an intact amniotic pouch. The amniotic sac expands at birth and the baby remains inside the intact or partially damaged membrane. Here’s some important information about En Caul births that every expecting parent should know.

What does En Caul mean?

The amniotic membrane is usually ruptured during a vaginal or C-section delivery but in one out of every 80,000 births the baby comes out with an intact amniotic pouch. The amniotic sac is usually ruptured by either a vaginal delivery or a C-section, but in 1 out of every 80,000 births the baby enters the world with their amniotic bubble intact.

The amniotic sac fills up with fluid as the fetus grows, cushioning the baby. The amniotic pouch remains intact during these rare en-caul births. Moms do not experience “water breaks” in this situation. Sometimes it’s considered good luck to have a baby born en caul. More commonly, even when the membrane ruptures the filmy sac can get caught on a part of the body. The filmy sac can appear as a shiny helmet if the baby’s head is covered. This makes sense since caul comes from the Latin for helmet.

Why Fetal Positioning is Important?

Your baby will move in your uterus throughout your pregnancy. The baby will move around freely in the uterus and may try different positions. As your baby grows, there will be less space for it to move. Your baby will begin to prepare for birth as your due date nears.

The baby will begin to move toward your cervix in preparation for birth. The birth canal looks like an expandable tube. When you have contractions, your body will stretch this space to allow your baby to pass.

The ideal position for labour is to have your baby facing the mother’s rear, with its head down. This position is usually reached by your baby during the third trimester, between 32 and 36 weeks.

Why positioning is important for childbirth

Your doctor will check the position of your baby regularly. The doctor will touch your abdomen during your appointments. The doctor may use an ultrasound to determine the position of the baby.

It is important to have a safe birth for both you and your child. The process is more difficult if the baby’s position is not right for childbirth. There are some things that you and your doctor can do to reposition the baby.

External cephalic. This procedure involves the practitioner lifting the buttocks of the baby and applying pressure to the mother’s abdomen on the uterus to rotate the baby forward or backward to try to reposition it to be head down.

Important Information About En Caul Births 1
Important Information About En Caul Births

Change your position. You can sometimes encourage your baby to move by changing your position. This can be done by rocking on your hands and knees or pushing your hips up in the air while lying on your back.

Stimulating sound. Your baby can hear and see your voice while in the womb. Place headphones on your belly and see if your baby will move that way. Place a cool washcloth over a part of your stomach to see if it will encourage your baby to move downward.

These techniques may not work for everyone, but they are worth trying. The majority of babies will find the correct position on their own. You can help both them and yourself by remaining as relaxed as possible and following the guidance of your doctor.

What happens after an En Caul Birth?

Your doctor will gently and carefully begin to cut away the sac if your baby was born en caul. The sac will start to leak water, like a balloon filled with water that has a hole.

Your baby will be well-fed during and after childbirth. The baby has plenty of oxygenated blood in the umbilical cord attached to the belly button.

After that, the process is similar to a standard birth. When babies are born, they will usually cry and breathe. Some babies may be stunned or delayed in taking their first breath. This is especially true if they are distressed during labour.

Your doctor or midwife can help by bringing your baby to a warming station. They will check that your baby is well.

Once their breathing has stabilized, they will give you your child. To begin bonding, you can ask for skin-to-skin or warm blankets to wrap the baby in. You will have a healthy, happy baby who is eager to see.

New Born Baby
New Born Baby

How Common Are En Caul Births?

En caul births happen very rarely. According to research, en caul is less common than 1 in 80,000 births. 1 This estimate is only an estimation because some births may not be documented.

In the vast majority, the amniotic pouch ruptures before delivery (also known as your water-breaking). When it does not, you will have an en caul delivery.

Some factors can increase your chances of having a baby within the amniotic pouch. Some doctors say that “en caul” births are more common in preterm births compared to full-term births.

Here are some possible risk factors for en-caul births.

  • Miscarriage. Miscarriage is defined as pregnancy loss occurring before 20 weeks. The fetus may still be in the amniotic fluid.
  • Preterm birth. “A smaller baby can pass through the canal more easily, with less pressure on the amniotic bag and less risk of it rupturing before birth,”
  • C-section birth. During Cesarean delivery an en-caul birth can be performed using specific surgical methods, says Sara Twogood MD, OB/GYN, and medical board specialist at Flo. There may be a benefit to doing this in high-risk situations such as the delivery of preterm babies 3, or when the placenta has vasa-previa 4.
  • Fast delivery. If a woman’s delivery and labour are very fast, the amniotic bag may not be able to rupture. This can result in an en caul delivery.

Possible complications of having En Caul Births

Are en caul deliveries dangerous? “En caul births do not pose any danger to the child or the mother.”

There does not appear to be any negative outcomes associated with a caul delivery.” The risk factors that may have caused the en-caul delivery, such as extreme prematurity and placental concerns, are themselves risk factors.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), these include breathing problems, developmental delays, feeding issues, problems with vision and hearing, etc. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this includes breathing problems, developmental delay, feeding issues and problems with vision and/or hearing.

The Mother Kissing Her New Born Baby
The Mother Kissing Her Newborn Baby

How to Deliver a Baby from the Amniotic Sac

It’s unlikely that you will know if you had an en-caul birth before delivery. Does not show up in an ultrasound, nor do any symptoms occur. Parents would not be able to tell the difference if the C-section was performed intentionally or as a routine Cesarean.

Your baby will be fine if you have had an en-caul delivery. They can breathe inside the sac until it is opened by your healthcare provider. The fluid will leak out, and the amniotic bag will be removed. Your baby will then emerge.

How a baby was born encased in an amniotic sac?

Silas Johnson, who is only a day old, is already a sensation on the internet. Los Angeles baby Silas Johnson was born prematurely three months earlier. His amniotic sac was still intact, giving the appearance that doctors had delivered a bubble with a tiny child inside.

Johnson was delivered via C-section at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. His hands could be seen pressing against the membrane of the sac. The doctor was so shocked by the birth that he took a picture on his phone, while his team checked the baby’s heart rate and breathing.

The sac acts as the baby’s womb during gestation. It fills with fluid to cushion it during pregnancy. It ruptures just before delivery, the so-called “water breaking” that tells an expecting mother that labour has begun. In cases where the water does not break, doctors may puncture the sac to release fluid. During cesareans like this, doctors often puncture the sac when they make the incision to remove the baby.

The Benefits of Caul Birth

There are some benefits to an en caul delivery. You can, for example:

  • It can protect a high-risk fetus. The amniotic pouch can act as a cushion for an unborn child and protect them from the forces of labour and delivery. It may also prevent the fetus from bruising when contractions occur.
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  • The fetus may be protected from cord prolapse if they are born in caul. This is an emergency when the umbilical cord slips into the cervical cavity in front or below the fetus.
  • A vaginal en caul delivery can reduce the chance of the head of the fetus becoming stuck if the cervix is not sufficiently dilated.
  • Low-birth-weight babies can be delivered by a caul c-section. One study revealed that this was a common practice at maternal and perinatal centres in Japan.

The Cultural Importance of a Caul Birth

Since they are so rare, some people think that a baby born in caul has a spiritual significance. Some people believe an en caul delivery is a good sign. Some people believe that being “born in a veil”, means the child will be protected and achieve greatness. 


It is rare to see a birth in a caul. It’s so rare, most doctors have never seen an en-caul birth during their careers. Consider yourself lucky if your baby is born in a water-filled balloon! 

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