9 memes that explain pregnancy in all its glory perfectly

Posted in Stages of Pregnancy.

The moment you discover you’re pregnant is one you’ll never forget, surpassed only by the joy of holding your sweet freshly minted newborn in your arms that first time. Moments to cherish indeed.

But the nine months between those blessed moments? Not so much. Between the heartburn, the nausea, the restless legs and the ‘helpful’ comments and advice from loved ones, much of pregnancy can feel like you’re slogging through a marathon and the organisers are still debating on where to mark the finish line.

So to help you keep powering on, we’ve collected together nine of our favourite memes that capture all the pregnancy feels:

Stuck in the cycle from hell

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Eat little and often, the experts say helpfully. But when the mere idea of nibbling on a water cracker turns your stomach, taking this advice feels nigh on impossible. So what to do? Eat whatever works whenever the stars align and your tummy doesn’t feel like you’re permanently on a rollercoaster. Sure that may mean you’re eating Kraft Singles at midnight … but whatever works, right?!



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