Youngest ever TED talker’s plea to parents

Posted in Feed Play Love.

Molly Wright took to the TED talk stage like a natural.  She was articulate, passionate and straight-to-the-point. Molly wants parents to understand the importance of the first five years of a baby’s life, and how simple it is to make those five years count. Her talk was about an initiative called Thrive By Five which is supported by the Mindaroo Foundation. Her talk was launched at the Joondalup Health Campus, where the video has been shown to many new parents. 

Thrive By Five also has a free app called Bright Tomorrows.

Professor Desiree Silva is the Head of Paediatrics at Joondalup Health Campus. Desiree explains the initiative and talks us through the simple steps Molly outlined in her talk.

Listen to Professor Desiree Silva on Feed Play Love:


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