The dangerous ideas about motherhood we need to talk about

Posted in Feed Play Love.

We’re all very familiar with the popular images of motherhood the media loves to champion: the linen-clad zen mamas, the picture-perfect beach holidays, the green-smoothie-swilling fashionistas.

But we know that for most mothers, this isn’t the reality of family life.

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Associate Professor Camilla Nelson is more interested in the mothers we don’t see in the media; those that are trans, Indigenous, single. She’s the co-editor of Dangerous Ideas About Mothers.

The collection of essays and musings on motherhood give insight into the role women and female carers are playing in society today. Camilla reflects on the process, and her own conclusion about the work and why mothering today is so scrutinised.

You can get your hands on your own copy of Dangerous Ideas About Mothers at all good bookstores and online at the UWA Publishing website.

Find more expert advice and real parenting stories in the Feed Play Love podcast, available in Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify and wherever you listen.


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