Helpline: Regulating day sleeps, weaning toddlers off bottles and more

Posted in Feed Play Love.

When it comes to raising children, the early years can be very confusing.

Instead of the English language, you’re trying to decipher different kinds of cries and grunts to determine what is happening for your child. Mothercraft nurse Chris Minogue is the ultimate baby whisperer. She understands what’s going on from all the different things your baby or small child is doing, and she knows how to set you all on a better path.

This week on Helpline she deals with the following concerns:

  • How to regulate a 17-month-old’s day sleeps
  • How to wean a 14-month-old off his bottles
  • Whether you can overfeed a seven-month-old
  • Getting a 15-month-old back into the cot after a period of illness and co-sleeping
  • Lengthening the afternoon naps for a five-month-old
  • Working out the right amount of sleep for a 20-month-old
  • How to stop a six-month-old from catnapping (and how to help her sleep better)
  • How to help a 16-month-old sleep better at night

Listen to Chris Minogue on Feed Play Love:

Submit your questions to Chris Minogue for next week’s Helpline on Feed Play Love:

It's time for Helpline with Mothercraft Nurse Chris Minogue!! Chris is here to answer all your questions on babies and toddlers from sleep to behaviour and everything in between.To ask your questions pop them below…

Posted by Babyology on Sunday, October 20, 2019

Find more great stories and expert advice in the Feed Play Love podcast. Available in Apple PodcastsGoogle Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen


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