Helpline: Managing tired and tantruming toddlers, dummies and more

Posted in Feed Play Love.

When you’ve been up all night trying to get a baby to sleep, remembering where you left your keys is challenging – let alone working out how to solve the sleep problem! That’s where Helpline steps in to help.

Every week a Mothercraft expert is here to answer your questions – and they’ve had their sleep so they are bright-eyed and ready to help with whatever challenge you’re facing! This week Babyology Parent School expert and Mothercraft nurse Chris Minogue helps families with the following:

  • A two-year-old suddenly screaming at bedtime
  • A four-year-old who is shy around adults
  • A two-and-a-half-year-old who wakes from his daytime nap cranky
  • A three-year-old refusing his day sleep and having big tantrums
  • Whether a mum should you introduce a dummy for an 11-week-old
  • How to break the cycle of an overtired five-year-old
  • A 19-month-old who tantrums when he’s not allowed out the front door
  • A three-year-old who sulks when she doesn’t get her own way
  • How to deal with sibling jealousy between a five-year-old and three-month-old

Listen to Chris Minogue on Feed Play Love:

Helpline will be back next Monday. You can contact us by doing any of the following:

Helpline LIVE with Mothercraft nurse Chris Minogue

Had a rough week with your little one? Stumped by changes with their sleeping, feeding or behaviour? Luckily we have Mothercraft nurse Chris Minogue live on Helpline today to answer all of your parenting questions! Drop your question in the comment box below and we’ll get to as many as we can.

Posted by Babyology on Sunday, April 18, 2021

Find more great stories and expert advice in the Feed Play Love podcast. Available in Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you listen.



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