Dad’s brilliant cardboard cut-out of mum fends off tot’s tears

Posted in Family.

Have you ever wanted to clone yourself so you could sneak to the bathroom, without a little person having a meltdown the second you are out of sight?

Well, this clever dad has come up with the solution!

Make a cardboard cut-out

In a video that has had Twitter in hysterics, a dad has has made a cardboard cut-out of his toddler’s mum, and filmed his reaction.

Mum prop hack

Mum, Fuki Sato, is filmed in the kitchen while her little one is in front of the telly. She puts up the ‘mum prop’ and then sneaks out of the kitchen door.

Dad is heard giggling in the video as the little darling looks around for mummy, happy that she’s in the kitchen.

He is none the wiser, for about 20 minutes.

The clip is captioned: “It’s hard because my one-year-old child cries as soon as mom disappears.”

Yep, we know how it is.

“As a countermeasure, I experimented with what would happen if I set up a ‘life-sized panel mother,'” he writes.

And we’re crying.

Carboard cut-out mum

A second cut-out

While the tot realises after about 20 minutes that the statue mum in the kitchen perhaps isn’t his real mummy, he is also seen playing happily in front of another mummy cut-out kneeling down.

Ah, so brilliant!

Cardboard cut out mum

“This panel may be useful occasionally…” concludes the dad.

Yes, we think so too!

Now where can we get one made?


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