Dear dads, make our Christmas and do some effing shopping – PLEASE

Posted in Organisation.

This year I’ve given my hubs a chunk of the Christmas presents to buy.

I would like to say this is because I got all cranky pants on him and pointed out how unfair it is that I am lumped with this task every year – for the entire family – including his, but that’s a lie.

The truth is I had an operation recently and can’t drive. As such, I can’t get to the shops. While I’ve online shopped as much as I could, there are still a lot of gifts remaining.

He’s happy to do it, but it got me thinking. Why don’t we divide and conquer when it comes to the presents with our partners if we have them? Why do mums seem to do it all at Christmas?

So fellas, if you don’t want us to morph into stressy Christmas cows this year, here’s what we need you to do.

1. Don’t be a tool

If you are the kinda dad who your kids hug on Christmas morning but you have no idea what present they’ve just unwrapped, or your wife buys your work Kris Kringle gift for you, even though it’s not on her list, then just stop.



You are being a tool.

Which brings me to …

Angry woman funny

2. Put your hand up

Rather than let Christmas stress happen around you (and yes you have a job, but so do we, along with lots of other hats we wear), why not take some of the present load off her a bit?

Tell her you are on deck and offer some suggestions for how you can help – say, shop in your lunch break or go on Thursday night when she normally would.

That would be so nice!

If you have a control freak partner though (and it’s OK to say so, you still love her!) then she might find the next tip more helpful.

Christmas tree boy

3. Do some of the thinking together

The thing that stresses us out the most at Christmas time is the mental load. There are just way too many things we are storing in our overworked brains.

It would wonderful to share some of the mental burdens with you. And when it comes to gifts, that means thinking up what the eff to buy people. People like your mum and dad, the kindy teachers and you, as well as the kids.

So why not pour her a glass of wine after the kids have gone to bed, have a little think, scroll through some gift sites together and chat about some present ideas.

Then you can write a list and come up with a present game plan together. Such as ‘you get this and I’ll get that’.

computerDad Christmas shopping on C

4. Buy stuff on the list

Then if you have a game plan – plonk those damn presents in the trolley and BE DONE!

But don’t forget the wrapping paper and sticky tape.

5. Pass it on

Maybe you are reading this and know it doesn’t apply to you because you already do your present-buying share. Good for you! But if it feels a little too close to home, then please, please make amends and tell your dad-mates to as well.

It will honestly make our Christmas!

And who knows, we may not become Christmas cows this year after all!


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